2008年01月29日 星期二 于 12:51:33 · 张五常 发表在: 经济随想
Longevity May Run in Your Blood
Larger Lipoprotein Particles Linked to Long Life
By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Medical News Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD
Oct. 14, 2003 -- Size matters when it comes to your blood and the secret to long life.
A new study of people with exceptional longevity and their offspring show they have larger-than-normal high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles in their blood. Lipoproteins are particles composed of a protein and a fat component that carry fats such as cholesterol in the blood.
Researchers say this finding may at least partially explain why longevity runs in families.
In fact, previous research has shown that siblings of centenarians (those who live past 100) are eight to 17 times more likely to live past age 100 themselves. The children of parents who grew to a ripe old age also have about 50% lower rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.
Longevity Runs in the Blood
For the study, published in the Oct. 15 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers looked at 213 Ashkenazi Jewish adults with exceptional longevity (average age 98) and their children and compared them with two age-matched control groups of Ashkenazi Jews and participants from the Framingham Offspring Study.
The participants' medical histories were evaluated and blood samples were taken to analyze their lipoprotein levels and composition.
The researchers found that the HDL and LDL particle sizes were significantly larger in the exceptionally old adults compared with both control groups, regardless of their cholesterol levels.
Large lipoprotein particle size was also typical among the children of exceptionally old parents, but not the age-matched controls.
The study showed this trait was also associated with lower rates of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems that account for a large number of deaths among the elderly.
Researcher Nir Barzilai, MD, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, and colleagues say the findings suggest that lipoprotein particle size is hereditary and may help promote longevity.
SOURCE: Barzilai, N. The Journal of the American Medical Association, Oct. 15, 2003; vol 290: pp 2030-2040.
© 2003 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved.
By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Medical News Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD
Oct. 14, 2003 -- Size matters when it comes to your blood and the secret to long life.
A new study of people with exceptional longevity and their offspring show they have larger-than-normal high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles in their blood. Lipoproteins are particles composed of a protein and a fat component that carry fats such as cholesterol in the blood.
Researchers say this finding may at least partially explain why longevity runs in families.
In fact, previous research has shown that siblings of centenarians (those who live past 100) are eight to 17 times more likely to live past age 100 themselves. The children of parents who grew to a ripe old age also have about 50% lower rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.
Longevity Runs in the Blood
For the study, published in the Oct. 15 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers looked at 213 Ashkenazi Jewish adults with exceptional longevity (average age 98) and their children and compared them with two age-matched control groups of Ashkenazi Jews and participants from the Framingham Offspring Study.
The participants' medical histories were evaluated and blood samples were taken to analyze their lipoprotein levels and composition.
The researchers found that the HDL and LDL particle sizes were significantly larger in the exceptionally old adults compared with both control groups, regardless of their cholesterol levels.
Large lipoprotein particle size was also typical among the children of exceptionally old parents, but not the age-matched controls.
The study showed this trait was also associated with lower rates of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health problems that account for a large number of deaths among the elderly.
Researcher Nir Barzilai, MD, of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, and colleagues say the findings suggest that lipoprotein particle size is hereditary and may help promote longevity.
SOURCE: Barzilai, N. The Journal of the American Medical Association, Oct. 15, 2003; vol 290: pp 2030-2040.
© 2003 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved.
Poisoning Prevention in Home
About 80% of poisonings occur in children who are between the ages of 1 and 4 years. Develop poison prevention habits early, before your child is crawling. Babies grow so fast that sometimes they are crawling and walking before you have time to protect them.
General tips
Never leave a poisonous product unattended around children, even for a moment. Many poisonings occur when an adult who is using a poisonous product becomes distracted by the doorbell, a telephone, or some other interruption.
Be aware of common substances that are poisonous, such as houseplants and cosmetics.
Use childproof latches on your cupboards.
Keep products in their original containers. Never store poisonous products in food containers.
Use "Mr. Yuk" stickers and teach your children to recognize them. Mr. Yuk stickers are available from your local health departments or police department.
Never leave alcohol within sight or reach of a child.
Read product labels for caution statements, how to use the product correctly, and first aid instructions.
Keep the number of your local Poison Control Center near your phone.
Talk with your doctor about including activated charcoal in your first aid supplies at home. Activated charcoal reduces the toxic effect of some poisons.
Household poisons
Do not keep poisons such as drain cleaner, oven cleaner, or plant food under your kitchen sink. Keep them out of the sight and reach of children. Dishwasher detergent is especially dangerous.
Have your home tested for levels of lead if any older leaded paints may still be present. For more information, see the topic Lead Poisoning.
Keep alcohol out of the sight and reach of children.
Educate your children about the effects of alcohol and medicines. Encourage your teenager to avoid alcohol and drugs.
Provide nonalcoholic beverages at parties and meals. Don't give your children the impression that adults need to drink alcohol in order to have a good time.
Put all medicines and vitamins out of the sight and reach of children. Acetaminophen, such as Tylenol or Panadol, is a common source of childhood poisoning.
Never call medicines "candy."
Keep medicines in their original labeled containers.
Buy nonprescription medicines in child-resistant packages.
Try to take medicines out of the sight of children.
Do not regularly use medicines to sleep, lose weight, or relax. Try to find nondrug solutions. For more information, see the topic Sleep Problems, Age 12 and Older.
Check the label on the bottle each time you take a medicine to make sure you're taking the correct one.
Check the expiration dates on medicines, and discard old medicines by flushing them down the toilet.
General tips
Never leave a poisonous product unattended around children, even for a moment. Many poisonings occur when an adult who is using a poisonous product becomes distracted by the doorbell, a telephone, or some other interruption.
Be aware of common substances that are poisonous, such as houseplants and cosmetics.
Use childproof latches on your cupboards.
Keep products in their original containers. Never store poisonous products in food containers.
Use "Mr. Yuk" stickers and teach your children to recognize them. Mr. Yuk stickers are available from your local health departments or police department.
Never leave alcohol within sight or reach of a child.
Read product labels for caution statements, how to use the product correctly, and first aid instructions.
Keep the number of your local Poison Control Center near your phone.
Talk with your doctor about including activated charcoal in your first aid supplies at home. Activated charcoal reduces the toxic effect of some poisons.
Household poisons
Do not keep poisons such as drain cleaner, oven cleaner, or plant food under your kitchen sink. Keep them out of the sight and reach of children. Dishwasher detergent is especially dangerous.
Have your home tested for levels of lead if any older leaded paints may still be present. For more information, see the topic Lead Poisoning.
Keep alcohol out of the sight and reach of children.
Educate your children about the effects of alcohol and medicines. Encourage your teenager to avoid alcohol and drugs.
Provide nonalcoholic beverages at parties and meals. Don't give your children the impression that adults need to drink alcohol in order to have a good time.
Put all medicines and vitamins out of the sight and reach of children. Acetaminophen, such as Tylenol or Panadol, is a common source of childhood poisoning.
Never call medicines "candy."
Keep medicines in their original labeled containers.
Buy nonprescription medicines in child-resistant packages.
Try to take medicines out of the sight of children.
Do not regularly use medicines to sleep, lose weight, or relax. Try to find nondrug solutions. For more information, see the topic Sleep Problems, Age 12 and Older.
Check the label on the bottle each time you take a medicine to make sure you're taking the correct one.
Check the expiration dates on medicines, and discard old medicines by flushing them down the toilet.
Suburban Lawn Warriors Should Exercise Caution
By Salynn Boyles
WebMD Medical News
March 30, 2001 -- Oil up the lawnmower and start planting those pansies. After months of indoor exile, it's time to get back in the yard. But be careful out there because the pursuit of a killer lawn could be ... well, maybe not deadly, but dangerous.
More than 60,000 children and adults end up in hospital emergency rooms each year due to lawnmower accidents, according to figures from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. These injuries are often serious, with one-quarter of hand and foot traumas resulting in amputations.
And dangers may be lurking in places of which you never thought. A study published in the February issue of Pediatric Emergency Care suggests that those metal lawn edgings used to separate grass from flowerbeds pose a big threat to kids. Between January 1995 and October 1997, 126 children in Denver were treated at area hospitals for lacerations caused by stepping or falling on the landscape edgings.
The vast majority of the injuries (89%) -- mostly cuts to the feet or knees -- were serious enough to require suturing. And one of the injured children was hospitalized. The authors conclude that metal lawn edgings pose a serious risk to suburban children, and they advise against using them.
The typical lawn or garden is filled with many other potential hazards. These include electric garden tools, which should not be used in wet or damp conditions; pool chemicals, some of which can spontaneously combust if contaminated; and pesticides and other chemicals. Approximately 2 million people and countless household pets are affected each year by common household pesticides.
"All kinds of dangerous chemicals are available to the public, but few people ever read the warnings on the bottles to learn how to protect themselves," Mark Bates of Bates Garden Center in Nashville, Tenn., tells WebMD. "Chemicals used in gardening can do a lot of damage to the eyes and lungs. Protective goggles are important, and you need a good filtered mask. A painter's mask won't really protect against noxious fumes."
Many gardening injuries occur when people who have been sedentary all winter overdo it, National Safety Council consultant Alton Thygerson, MD, tells WebMD.
"A good friend of mine reached down to pull a weed and ended up having to have a back operation," says Thygerson, a professor of health sciences at Brigham Young University in Salt Lake City. "Back and other muscle strains are common, and they can be serious."
The backyard grill poses another, often ignored, suburban hazard. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a threat when charcoal grills are used in poorly ventilated areas, and burns are common with both gas and charcoal grills.
"One awful injury that I may see once or twice a summer occurs when people take hot charcoal and dump it on the ground, and then barefoot kids run over it," Darien, Ill., pediatrician Garry Gardner, MD, tells WebMD. "These are often second- and third-degree burns. It's such an obvious danger once it happens to you, but not many people think about it ahead of time." Gardner serves on the American Academy of Pediatrics National Committee on Injury and Poison Prevention.
But lawnmower mishaps account for by far the largest number of serious injuries occurring in America's backyards each spring and summer. The best way to protect against such an injury, experts say, is to follow a few simple rules.
The American Academy of Pediatrics says children 12 and under should not be allowed to operate a walk-behind mower, and they should be at least 14 before using riding mowers. Adults should never take children joy riding on a riding mower, and children should not even be in the yard when a mower is in use. Don't mow the lawn when the ground is wet or damp.
Everyone should wear proper clothing while operating a mower or other powered gardening tools. That includes protective eyewear and sturdy shoes -- no sandals or sneakers. And never use hands or feet to remove grass or debris from mower blades or free a jammed blade. Instead, use a stick or broom handle to do the job.
And if an amputation injury does occur, never assume that a severed body part is too small to reattach, Thygerson says.
"It is important to retrieve the amputated body part and get to a hospital quickly," he says. "Even if it is just the tip of a finger or toe, lay people should not be trying to decide what can and can't be reattached. That is for a doctor to decide."
WebMD Medical News
March 30, 2001 -- Oil up the lawnmower and start planting those pansies. After months of indoor exile, it's time to get back in the yard. But be careful out there because the pursuit of a killer lawn could be ... well, maybe not deadly, but dangerous.
More than 60,000 children and adults end up in hospital emergency rooms each year due to lawnmower accidents, according to figures from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. These injuries are often serious, with one-quarter of hand and foot traumas resulting in amputations.
And dangers may be lurking in places of which you never thought. A study published in the February issue of Pediatric Emergency Care suggests that those metal lawn edgings used to separate grass from flowerbeds pose a big threat to kids. Between January 1995 and October 1997, 126 children in Denver were treated at area hospitals for lacerations caused by stepping or falling on the landscape edgings.
The vast majority of the injuries (89%) -- mostly cuts to the feet or knees -- were serious enough to require suturing. And one of the injured children was hospitalized. The authors conclude that metal lawn edgings pose a serious risk to suburban children, and they advise against using them.
The typical lawn or garden is filled with many other potential hazards. These include electric garden tools, which should not be used in wet or damp conditions; pool chemicals, some of which can spontaneously combust if contaminated; and pesticides and other chemicals. Approximately 2 million people and countless household pets are affected each year by common household pesticides.
"All kinds of dangerous chemicals are available to the public, but few people ever read the warnings on the bottles to learn how to protect themselves," Mark Bates of Bates Garden Center in Nashville, Tenn., tells WebMD. "Chemicals used in gardening can do a lot of damage to the eyes and lungs. Protective goggles are important, and you need a good filtered mask. A painter's mask won't really protect against noxious fumes."
Many gardening injuries occur when people who have been sedentary all winter overdo it, National Safety Council consultant Alton Thygerson, MD, tells WebMD.
"A good friend of mine reached down to pull a weed and ended up having to have a back operation," says Thygerson, a professor of health sciences at Brigham Young University in Salt Lake City. "Back and other muscle strains are common, and they can be serious."
The backyard grill poses another, often ignored, suburban hazard. Carbon monoxide poisoning is a threat when charcoal grills are used in poorly ventilated areas, and burns are common with both gas and charcoal grills.
"One awful injury that I may see once or twice a summer occurs when people take hot charcoal and dump it on the ground, and then barefoot kids run over it," Darien, Ill., pediatrician Garry Gardner, MD, tells WebMD. "These are often second- and third-degree burns. It's such an obvious danger once it happens to you, but not many people think about it ahead of time." Gardner serves on the American Academy of Pediatrics National Committee on Injury and Poison Prevention.
But lawnmower mishaps account for by far the largest number of serious injuries occurring in America's backyards each spring and summer. The best way to protect against such an injury, experts say, is to follow a few simple rules.
The American Academy of Pediatrics says children 12 and under should not be allowed to operate a walk-behind mower, and they should be at least 14 before using riding mowers. Adults should never take children joy riding on a riding mower, and children should not even be in the yard when a mower is in use. Don't mow the lawn when the ground is wet or damp.
Everyone should wear proper clothing while operating a mower or other powered gardening tools. That includes protective eyewear and sturdy shoes -- no sandals or sneakers. And never use hands or feet to remove grass or debris from mower blades or free a jammed blade. Instead, use a stick or broom handle to do the job.
And if an amputation injury does occur, never assume that a severed body part is too small to reattach, Thygerson says.
"It is important to retrieve the amputated body part and get to a hospital quickly," he says. "Even if it is just the tip of a finger or toe, lay people should not be trying to decide what can and can't be reattached. That is for a doctor to decide."
10 Tips for Safe Winter Driving
Experts give their advice for preparing yourself and your car for winter's challenges.
By Sarah Albert
WebMD Feature Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Jodi Gilman knows about the perils of winter driving all too well. She got in a very scary accident last winter. "Because it was a sunny day I didn't think there was any black ice," says Gilman, a graduate student in Northampton, Mass.
That all changed when she saw the car in front of her spin out of control. She attempted to step on the brakes, but that didn't work. After a terrifying moment of spinning, she ended up safely in a pit, but not without learning a significant lesson. "There was no distance between our vehicles," she says. Gilman was driving at the speed limit, but given the dangerous conditions the limit was just too high.
For many people, the winter months bring snow, ice, and more darkness than light. All of these factors can translate into more dangerous driving conditions. That's why it's important to take the necessary steps to prepare yourself and your vehicle for winter driving.
Taking those steps are the keys to protecting yourself from injury and accidents, says Sara Weis, a representative from the national American Automobile Association (AAA) offices in Washington, D.C. This involves more than just wearing your seatbelt, although that is a good place to start. Here are expert tips for safely tackling winter roads.
Match Speed to Weather Conditions
A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that the speed limit is always a safe traveling speed in any conditions. "Speed limits are posted for optimal conditions," Weis tells WebMD. "More crashes involving injuries and property damage occur in winter months, and not slowing down is the main concern," she says.
Reducing your speed is the best way to avoid accidents and injuries. This means allowing for extra travel time during your winter workday commute or excursion. You will also need extra time if there is snow and ice to contend with before you step on the gas.
Increase Your Following Distance
Weis says increasing your following distance is also extremely important and a key in preventing collisions. Accidents and injuries often occur because of sudden stops. Leave adequate space between your vehicle and other cars; according to AAA, a following distance of about eight to 10 seconds should suffice.
This will also protect you if the car in front of you is suddenly out of control, as was the case with Gilman. The bottom line: though you should never tailgate, doing so during poor weather is even more dangerous.
Schedule a Checkup for Your Car
You want to make sure your battery has enough juice. Weis says a full battery is required in cold weather. "Battery-related problems are what we see most frequently," says Jason Subocz, the service manager at Pro Lube Oil Change and Tune Up in Northampton, Mass. He recommends that you make sure your battery is fully charged. Also important, says Subocz, is to get your antifreeze checked.
Subocz also recommends that you make sure there is adequate tread on the tires, and check to see that the tires are properly inflated as well. You can have your car checked out at most auto stores and gas stations. You also want to make sure that your headlights and brakes are working properly, says Weis.
Avoid Distractions While Driving
Keep your eyes on the road. Accidents can result from driver distractibility. Studies have found that rubbernecking and cell phone use in cars can put you at greater risk for accidents. During winter months and severe weather, it's even more important that your attention be fully on the road.
Consider Your Age
Your age does matter when it comes to driving because driving-related injuries can spell more serious trouble for older adults. Brittle bones make injuries from accidents more risky for older adults, Weis says. "A younger person can walk away from a crash, but older adults may sustain more serious injuries, so it's important that they are prepared," she says. Both AAA and the American Geriatrics Society have more information about driving safety for older individuals on their web sites, including information that can help you assess whether you should still be driving.
Prepare a Winter Driving Kit for Your Car
Your car should be stocked with certain necessities in case of emergencies -- which may include running out of gas, getting into an accident, getting lost, or having your car break down. Weis says your kit should include blankets, water, a fully charged cell phone, a reflector, kitty litter or salt for ice, and some food.
Get Your Eyes Checked Annually
Annual eye exams are an important part of driving safety. "Fewer hours of daylight means more hours of difficult driving," Perry Binder, MD, an ophthalmologist from San Diego, tells WebMD.
Binder says there is also less contrast on gray days. He warns of the brightness and glare that can appear when driving in snow. "Snow and ice require slower time to react especially because of skidding," says Binder, who agrees with Weis that slowing down and increasing the distance between you and other vehicles is key.
Clear Ice and Snow From Your Vehicle
If there has been a storm, allow the plows to do their job before you head out, Weis says. Have a brush to clear all of the ice and snow from your vehicle before you start driving.
Don't skip the roof of the car, because snow can fall on rear and front windows while you are driving, blocking your vision unexpectedly. Make sure your lights are visible and not covered with snow and ice as well.
You should also warm up your vehicle before you drive, but according to AAA don't do so in an enclosed space like a garage. Car exhaust is a common source of carbon monoxide, and adequate ventilation is necessary to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
Recognize When You Are in No Condition to Drive
The car isn't the only thing that needs to be prepared -- the driver does, too. That's why Weis says you should avoid driving when you don't feel well. If you are tired or have been drinking, steer clear of the wheel.
Share These Tips With Your Teens
Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death among teenagers, according to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health. It's even more important, therefore, that you discuss winter driving safety with your family if you have teenage drivers.
Remember, it's never too late to prepare yourself and your vehicle for the winter months. Gilman says she got lucky. "I drive much slower now during bad weather, and I keep my distance from other vehicles," she says. She learned the hard way. Hopefully you don't have to.
Published Jan. 9, 2006SOURCES: Sara Weis, spokeswoman, AAA, Washington, D.C. Perry Binder, MD, Gordon Weiss Vision Institute, San Diego. Jason Subocz, service manager, Pro Lube Oil Change and Tune Up, Northampton, Mass. Jodi Gilman, Northampton, Mass.
© 2006 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved.
By Sarah Albert
WebMD Feature Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Jodi Gilman knows about the perils of winter driving all too well. She got in a very scary accident last winter. "Because it was a sunny day I didn't think there was any black ice," says Gilman, a graduate student in Northampton, Mass.
That all changed when she saw the car in front of her spin out of control. She attempted to step on the brakes, but that didn't work. After a terrifying moment of spinning, she ended up safely in a pit, but not without learning a significant lesson. "There was no distance between our vehicles," she says. Gilman was driving at the speed limit, but given the dangerous conditions the limit was just too high.
For many people, the winter months bring snow, ice, and more darkness than light. All of these factors can translate into more dangerous driving conditions. That's why it's important to take the necessary steps to prepare yourself and your vehicle for winter driving.
Taking those steps are the keys to protecting yourself from injury and accidents, says Sara Weis, a representative from the national American Automobile Association (AAA) offices in Washington, D.C. This involves more than just wearing your seatbelt, although that is a good place to start. Here are expert tips for safely tackling winter roads.
Match Speed to Weather Conditions
A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that the speed limit is always a safe traveling speed in any conditions. "Speed limits are posted for optimal conditions," Weis tells WebMD. "More crashes involving injuries and property damage occur in winter months, and not slowing down is the main concern," she says.
Reducing your speed is the best way to avoid accidents and injuries. This means allowing for extra travel time during your winter workday commute or excursion. You will also need extra time if there is snow and ice to contend with before you step on the gas.
Increase Your Following Distance
Weis says increasing your following distance is also extremely important and a key in preventing collisions. Accidents and injuries often occur because of sudden stops. Leave adequate space between your vehicle and other cars; according to AAA, a following distance of about eight to 10 seconds should suffice.
This will also protect you if the car in front of you is suddenly out of control, as was the case with Gilman. The bottom line: though you should never tailgate, doing so during poor weather is even more dangerous.
Schedule a Checkup for Your Car
You want to make sure your battery has enough juice. Weis says a full battery is required in cold weather. "Battery-related problems are what we see most frequently," says Jason Subocz, the service manager at Pro Lube Oil Change and Tune Up in Northampton, Mass. He recommends that you make sure your battery is fully charged. Also important, says Subocz, is to get your antifreeze checked.
Subocz also recommends that you make sure there is adequate tread on the tires, and check to see that the tires are properly inflated as well. You can have your car checked out at most auto stores and gas stations. You also want to make sure that your headlights and brakes are working properly, says Weis.
Avoid Distractions While Driving
Keep your eyes on the road. Accidents can result from driver distractibility. Studies have found that rubbernecking and cell phone use in cars can put you at greater risk for accidents. During winter months and severe weather, it's even more important that your attention be fully on the road.
Consider Your Age
Your age does matter when it comes to driving because driving-related injuries can spell more serious trouble for older adults. Brittle bones make injuries from accidents more risky for older adults, Weis says. "A younger person can walk away from a crash, but older adults may sustain more serious injuries, so it's important that they are prepared," she says. Both AAA and the American Geriatrics Society have more information about driving safety for older individuals on their web sites, including information that can help you assess whether you should still be driving.
Prepare a Winter Driving Kit for Your Car
Your car should be stocked with certain necessities in case of emergencies -- which may include running out of gas, getting into an accident, getting lost, or having your car break down. Weis says your kit should include blankets, water, a fully charged cell phone, a reflector, kitty litter or salt for ice, and some food.
Get Your Eyes Checked Annually
Annual eye exams are an important part of driving safety. "Fewer hours of daylight means more hours of difficult driving," Perry Binder, MD, an ophthalmologist from San Diego, tells WebMD.
Binder says there is also less contrast on gray days. He warns of the brightness and glare that can appear when driving in snow. "Snow and ice require slower time to react especially because of skidding," says Binder, who agrees with Weis that slowing down and increasing the distance between you and other vehicles is key.
Clear Ice and Snow From Your Vehicle
If there has been a storm, allow the plows to do their job before you head out, Weis says. Have a brush to clear all of the ice and snow from your vehicle before you start driving.
Don't skip the roof of the car, because snow can fall on rear and front windows while you are driving, blocking your vision unexpectedly. Make sure your lights are visible and not covered with snow and ice as well.
You should also warm up your vehicle before you drive, but according to AAA don't do so in an enclosed space like a garage. Car exhaust is a common source of carbon monoxide, and adequate ventilation is necessary to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
Recognize When You Are in No Condition to Drive
The car isn't the only thing that needs to be prepared -- the driver does, too. That's why Weis says you should avoid driving when you don't feel well. If you are tired or have been drinking, steer clear of the wheel.
Share These Tips With Your Teens
Motor vehicle accidents are a leading cause of death among teenagers, according to a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health. It's even more important, therefore, that you discuss winter driving safety with your family if you have teenage drivers.
Remember, it's never too late to prepare yourself and your vehicle for the winter months. Gilman says she got lucky. "I drive much slower now during bad weather, and I keep my distance from other vehicles," she says. She learned the hard way. Hopefully you don't have to.
Published Jan. 9, 2006SOURCES: Sara Weis, spokeswoman, AAA, Washington, D.C. Perry Binder, MD, Gordon Weiss Vision Institute, San Diego. Jason Subocz, service manager, Pro Lube Oil Change and Tune Up, Northampton, Mass. Jodi Gilman, Northampton, Mass.
© 2006 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved.
` 信仰是一种伟大的精神动力,它可以焕发出人类的巨大潜能和热情,在不可能的环境和条件下创造出人类的奇迹。对于最初登上新英格兰这块土地的清教徒们来说,他们的正教信仰,就是他们战胜一切不可预知的困难,走向未来的精神原动力。清教徒们认为:“我们从不怀疑上帝与我们同在,既然如此,谁能与我们对抗?这一信念使我们得到无比的慰籍,同时帮助我们抵制了所有其他念头”(佛朗西斯&S226;希金斯《新英格兰的种植园》)。为了保证正教的唯一和纯真,最初,新英格兰拒绝接受正教以外的教友登上自己的土地,以免无为地将精力和时间浪费在无休止的教条和教义的论争中。他们所以能超脱神学研究,正是因为他们对清教没有怀疑,也不允许有不同意见,才能一心一意去战胜北美荒野中隐藏的不可预知的危险。在那个年代,他们真正与众不同之处在于他们更感兴趣的不是神学本身,而是神学在日常生活中的应用。他们关心的不是如何有系统地详尽阐明“真理”,而是如何在北美社会体现他们已经懂得的“真理”。
蛮荒的北美大陆,充满了未知数,也充满了希望和可能的美好前景。十九世纪开始的大规模西部开发,即不是以军队为先导,也不是以政府为主导。而是自发的移民潮。因为那广袤而富饶的大地,充满了机会,使移民有希望通过开发,创业改变自己的命运,侪身于社会上层。这个机会对于每一个白人移民都是对等的。它使旧大陆移民充满了信心。因为对于美国人来说,贫困只应当是通向安适和富裕生活的中间站。按本杰明&S226;富兰克林的说法,是:“对穷人行善的最好办法,不是使他们安于贫困生活,而是引导或驱使他们脱离这种生活”。新大陆充满了各种机会,只要善于抓住机会,立志摆脱贫困,除了最不走运的人,每个移民都有希望获得成功。因此,美国人一生都在拼命向前赶,以最早抓住机会,改变自己的命运和地位。这正是早期西部移民形成的传统。因为十九世纪的“土地热”是以先占为主的原则掀起的。如果,移民们不能抢先到达西部可能的美好土地,好处就可能被别人捞走。虽然路途遥远,危险重重,烈日炎炎,风雨交加,野兽,土人,大自然的灾害随时肆虐着他们的生命。但他们还是义无返顾地向西迁移,把一切都抛在身后,尽可能缩小发生危险的可能性,抓住千载难逢的机会,占有肥沃的土地,开发出美好的未来。美国人的向西迁移,不是直线性的,而是往返流动性的。因为, 他们认为没有什么东西比自由行动更其宝贵。他们总是希望通过自己的流动,来发现他们所要寻找的东西。因此,美国人普遍地重视机会,重视把握时机寻找机会,而并不计较目的本身。这个最富进取精神的民族承认自己总是“会向前闯的”,因为他们不甘愿落在任何民族后面,他们每个人都想赶在别人前头。
改革的活力是一个社会活力所在的源泉之一。如果,一个社会,她的精英和大众都关心她,时刻准备把她改造得更完美,更具有人性,这样的社会,毫无疑问是一个面向未来的不断发展前进的社会。早期新英格兰,以及推之美国大陆的改革运动,可以说是风起云涌,层出不穷,任何一项有益于国计民生的倡议和革新,在新大陆总有热心人为之奔走运作,筹款募捐 ,付诸实施。这表明,在这个国度,总有人不满理想与现实社会的差距,努力想使她更完美。南北战争前三十年,新英格兰就曾发生针砭时弊的革新运动。从倡议建立公立学校,反对关于儿童的恶劣教育条件;到禁毒禁娼,发明和建设城市上下水道,注意公共卫生,反对将触犯法律的少年儿童和成年罪犯同牢关押;以及从善待精神病人,到盲人教育,事无巨细,都有热心者为之关注,服务。到后来,蓄奴主义和废奴主义之间的生死斗争,都是这种改良社会,使之更趋合理的努力。
在美国社会的成型和发展的过程中,改革伴随始终。独立战争使自发的民兵上升成国家供养的军队,是一个国家成熟和自立的标志。把欧洲分工明细,专业具体而微的生产环节变成社会化的大生产,流水线式的作业,建立了现代意义的大工厂,是美国人改革工业体制的结果,建立跨行业,跨国的联营大公司,是美国人的创造(相当一段时间,被我们目为资本垄断,而我们现在欲学习而条件不足) ,从快餐到超市,从电报到无线通讯,从高速公路到信息公路,都是美国锐意革新的结果,且不要说从马汉上校的航空母舰以及制海权理论到如今已在科索沃和阿富汗,第二次海湾战争检验和试验了的军事革命。这就是美国社会保持活力的原因所在,也是社会的价值取向所在。
` 信仰是一种伟大的精神动力,它可以焕发出人类的巨大潜能和热情,在不可能的环境和条件下创造出人类的奇迹。对于最初登上新英格兰这块土地的清教徒们来说,他们的正教信仰,就是他们战胜一切不可预知的困难,走向未来的精神原动力。清教徒们认为:“我们从不怀疑上帝与我们同在,既然如此,谁能与我们对抗?这一信念使我们得到无比的慰籍,同时帮助我们抵制了所有其他念头”(佛朗西斯&S226;希金斯《新英格兰的种植园》)。为了保证正教的唯一和纯真,最初,新英格兰拒绝接受正教以外的教友登上自己的土地,以免无为地将精力和时间浪费在无休止的教条和教义的论争中。他们所以能超脱神学研究,正是因为他们对清教没有怀疑,也不允许有不同意见,才能一心一意去战胜北美荒野中隐藏的不可预知的危险。在那个年代,他们真正与众不同之处在于他们更感兴趣的不是神学本身,而是神学在日常生活中的应用。他们关心的不是如何有系统地详尽阐明“真理”,而是如何在北美社会体现他们已经懂得的“真理”。
蛮荒的北美大陆,充满了未知数,也充满了希望和可能的美好前景。十九世纪开始的大规模西部开发,即不是以军队为先导,也不是以政府为主导。而是自发的移民潮。因为那广袤而富饶的大地,充满了机会,使移民有希望通过开发,创业改变自己的命运,侪身于社会上层。这个机会对于每一个白人移民都是对等的。它使旧大陆移民充满了信心。因为对于美国人来说,贫困只应当是通向安适和富裕生活的中间站。按本杰明&S226;富兰克林的说法,是:“对穷人行善的最好办法,不是使他们安于贫困生活,而是引导或驱使他们脱离这种生活”。新大陆充满了各种机会,只要善于抓住机会,立志摆脱贫困,除了最不走运的人,每个移民都有希望获得成功。因此,美国人一生都在拼命向前赶,以最早抓住机会,改变自己的命运和地位。这正是早期西部移民形成的传统。因为十九世纪的“土地热”是以先占为主的原则掀起的。如果,移民们不能抢先到达西部可能的美好土地,好处就可能被别人捞走。虽然路途遥远,危险重重,烈日炎炎,风雨交加,野兽,土人,大自然的灾害随时肆虐着他们的生命。但他们还是义无返顾地向西迁移,把一切都抛在身后,尽可能缩小发生危险的可能性,抓住千载难逢的机会,占有肥沃的土地,开发出美好的未来。美国人的向西迁移,不是直线性的,而是往返流动性的。因为, 他们认为没有什么东西比自由行动更其宝贵。他们总是希望通过自己的流动,来发现他们所要寻找的东西。因此,美国人普遍地重视机会,重视把握时机寻找机会,而并不计较目的本身。这个最富进取精神的民族承认自己总是“会向前闯的”,因为他们不甘愿落在任何民族后面,他们每个人都想赶在别人前头。
改革的活力是一个社会活力所在的源泉之一。如果,一个社会,她的精英和大众都关心她,时刻准备把她改造得更完美,更具有人性,这样的社会,毫无疑问是一个面向未来的不断发展前进的社会。早期新英格兰,以及推之美国大陆的改革运动,可以说是风起云涌,层出不穷,任何一项有益于国计民生的倡议和革新,在新大陆总有热心人为之奔走运作,筹款募捐 ,付诸实施。这表明,在这个国度,总有人不满理想与现实社会的差距,努力想使她更完美。南北战争前三十年,新英格兰就曾发生针砭时弊的革新运动。从倡议建立公立学校,反对关于儿童的恶劣教育条件;到禁毒禁娼,发明和建设城市上下水道,注意公共卫生,反对将触犯法律的少年儿童和成年罪犯同牢关押;以及从善待精神病人,到盲人教育,事无巨细,都有热心者为之关注,服务。到后来,蓄奴主义和废奴主义之间的生死斗争,都是这种改良社会,使之更趋合理的努力。
在美国社会的成型和发展的过程中,改革伴随始终。独立战争使自发的民兵上升成国家供养的军队,是一个国家成熟和自立的标志。把欧洲分工明细,专业具体而微的生产环节变成社会化的大生产,流水线式的作业,建立了现代意义的大工厂,是美国人改革工业体制的结果,建立跨行业,跨国的联营大公司,是美国人的创造(相当一段时间,被我们目为资本垄断,而我们现在欲学习而条件不足) ,从快餐到超市,从电报到无线通讯,从高速公路到信息公路,都是美国锐意革新的结果,且不要说从马汉上校的航空母舰以及制海权理论到如今已在科索沃和阿富汗,第二次海湾战争检验和试验了的军事革命。这就是美国社会保持活力的原因所在,也是社会的价值取向所在。
·白 焰·
2007年9月,美国制片人Ken Burns在电视上公演了他的作品《二战》(The War)。在这部长达15小时的记录片里,观众是通过士兵的眼界,从里到外、从下向上地观看了那场战争。相反,从外到里、从上到下的历史观显得隔靴搔痒,往往来自高高在上的战略制定部门、指挥将领和统计数字,它不仅抽象而且冷漠。Ken Burns说得对,战争是当兵的打出来的。《集结号》同样是通过士兵的视野看待战争,它自始至终透露着一股平民气息、平民本色。影片所荟萃的众战士是普通人,说的是普通人的话,想的是普通人的事。有一点不足:所塑造的士兵人物性格(焦大鹏、姜茂才、吕宽沟等)还是不够充分、醒目、鲜明,以致把他们放在一起,很难分出谁是谁。这不关乎演员,而是篇幅有限使然。
·白 焰·
2007年9月,美国制片人Ken Burns在电视上公演了他的作品《二战》(The War)。在这部长达15小时的记录片里,观众是通过士兵的眼界,从里到外、从下向上地观看了那场战争。相反,从外到里、从上到下的历史观显得隔靴搔痒,往往来自高高在上的战略制定部门、指挥将领和统计数字,它不仅抽象而且冷漠。Ken Burns说得对,战争是当兵的打出来的。《集结号》同样是通过士兵的视野看待战争,它自始至终透露着一股平民气息、平民本色。影片所荟萃的众战士是普通人,说的是普通人的话,想的是普通人的事。有一点不足:所塑造的士兵人物性格(焦大鹏、姜茂才、吕宽沟等)还是不够充分、醒目、鲜明,以致把他们放在一起,很难分出谁是谁。这不关乎演员,而是篇幅有限使然。
IBM tops patent list
By Dan McLean
January 19, 2008
Bolstered by employee efforts at IBM's Essex Junction plant, IBM earned the top spot in the U.S. patent rankings for the 15th consecutive year.
Not only does the Essex Junction facility have IBM's most prolific inventor, but the facility ranked third among the 41 states with IBM patents last year, IBM spokesman Jeff Couture said.
The Vermont facility, for example, helped invent a sensor designed to make it easier for digital cameras to take brighter and sharper pictures, he said.
In 2007, the Essex Junction facility was responsible for 357 patents, or more than 11 percent of IBM's total of 3,125 patents for the year.
Edward Nowak, an engineer and technology strategy manager for Essex Junction's semiconductor solutions organization, earned the most invention patents -- 33 -- of any IBM inventor in 2007, Couture said. Nowak, who started working at the Essex Junction facility in 1981, could not be reached for comment Friday.
The Essex Junction facility employs about 5,700 people and is one of IBM's two U.S. sites that designs and manufactures semiconductors, Couture said.
Patents developed throughout all of IBM facilities last year include technologies engineered to allow convenient and secure ATM transactions conducted by cell phone, customizing the same movie for different audiences, enabling portable devices to go longer between battery recharges and faster video game consoles for more realistic action.
Contact Dan McLean at 651-4877 or dmclean@bfp.burlingtonfreepress.com
January 19, 2008
Bolstered by employee efforts at IBM's Essex Junction plant, IBM earned the top spot in the U.S. patent rankings for the 15th consecutive year.
Not only does the Essex Junction facility have IBM's most prolific inventor, but the facility ranked third among the 41 states with IBM patents last year, IBM spokesman Jeff Couture said.
The Vermont facility, for example, helped invent a sensor designed to make it easier for digital cameras to take brighter and sharper pictures, he said.
In 2007, the Essex Junction facility was responsible for 357 patents, or more than 11 percent of IBM's total of 3,125 patents for the year.
Edward Nowak, an engineer and technology strategy manager for Essex Junction's semiconductor solutions organization, earned the most invention patents -- 33 -- of any IBM inventor in 2007, Couture said. Nowak, who started working at the Essex Junction facility in 1981, could not be reached for comment Friday.
The Essex Junction facility employs about 5,700 people and is one of IBM's two U.S. sites that designs and manufactures semiconductors, Couture said.
Patents developed throughout all of IBM facilities last year include technologies engineered to allow convenient and secure ATM transactions conducted by cell phone, customizing the same movie for different audiences, enabling portable devices to go longer between battery recharges and faster video game consoles for more realistic action.
Contact Dan McLean at 651-4877 or dmclean@bfp.burlingtonfreepress.com
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的服务,举重若轻的感觉 021-52386061
1月16日,以“瞰盛世、铸发展、舞新篇”为主题,在北京嘉里中心举行。来自全国千余位企业领军人物、行业专家和学者共聚一堂,从全球化趋势和中国机遇的大局着眼,从前沿科技和创新实践的细节思考,共同探讨如何实现中国企业走持续发展之路,在全球化的挑战下取得成功。IBM亚太区总监Frank Kern先
与往年IBM论坛邀请一位国际上知名的趋势大师或经济学家进行发展趋势布道不同,今年邀请到论坛上进行演讲的是国内著名经济学家、北京大学中国经济研究中心主任林毅夫先生,和被美国《福布斯》评为“全球最佳小公司”的新奥集团的代表,新奥集团董事、董事局秘书长翟晓勤女士。二位嘉宾与Frank Kern先生和钱大群先生的演讲相互呼应,从经济发展观察的层面和企业发展创新实践的角度,进一步向参会者诠释了中国企业在应对全球化压力和实现可持续发展的双重需求下,如何通过创新和转型走出自己的成功之路。
与往年IBM论坛邀请一位国际上知名的趋势大师或经济学家进行发展趋势布道不同,今年邀请到论坛上进行演讲的是国内著名经济学家、北京大学中国经济研究中心主任林毅夫先生,和被美国《福布斯》评为“全球最佳小公司”的新奥集团的代表,新奥集团董事、董事局秘书长翟晓勤女士。二位嘉宾与Frank Kern先生和钱大群先生的演讲相互呼应,从经济发展观察的层面和企业发展创新实践的角度,进一步向参会者诠释了中国企业在应对全球化压力和实现可持续发展的双重需求下,如何通过创新和转型走出自己的成功之路。
IBM S/W Group
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IBM 五大软件产品家族:2006年,IBM 凭借 182亿美元的软件收入成为全球最大的中间件供应商,在中国,IBM 更是从 1999年至今连年蝉联软件市场占有率第一名,在市场份额和增长率两方面遥遥领先。IBM 软件的成功源自于对业务和技术趋势的深刻洞察与实施,从而帮助客户取得业务成长。公司旗下拥有 Lotus 协作办公软件,WebShpere 应用系统和整合软件,Information Management 信息管理软件,Tivoli 基础架构管理软件, Rational 开发软件五大软件产品家族,五种安全、易扩展、且性能卓越的的软件可以随需组合,完全满足中小型企业的各种 IT 需求,大幅度提升企业的 IT 效率,成就企业的核心竞争力和创新力,力助企业真正实现快速成长!
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为企业提供实现随需应变业务所需的整合和应用基础设施。基于对 SOA 方面的优势和领导地位以及对客户业务的充分了解,将针对行业提供更多全面支持 SOA 的解决方案,可以通过企业内部和企业之间进行端到端集成提高业务响应能力。
Tivoli 基础架构管理软件
为企业提供实现随需应变业务所需的智能管理软件。Tivoli 竭力通过持续的创新、卓越的可实施性能来确立其在服务管理领域的领导者地位,帮企业更有效地为其核心业务提供服务,隔离、诊断和修复关键业务交易性能问题,确保 IT 环境的状态和效率,从而更好地实现业务目标。
Lotus 协作办公软件
激活员工动力,提高用户在工作岗位中的效率、响应性和创新能力。Lotus 协作办公软件是 IBM SOA 战略中重要组成,整合通过人员、流程与信息之间的协作,为企业客户提供互动服务(interactive service),从而帮助企业协作创新。
Rational 开发软件
从设计、构建、流程到产品管理,为企业提供满足他们实际需求的软件开发平台。Empowering “A”in SOA,IBM Rational 帮助客户更好地进行架构设计和构建 SOA 解决方案,提高开发软件的功能、可靠性和性能。
Information Management 信息管理软件
Information On Demand 是一种务实的信息管理理念,倡导将合适的信息在合适的时候、以合适的渠道传递给需要它的人,帮他们抓住瞬息可逝的机会,并及时对竞争威胁做出反应。IOD 主张通过整合、分析和优化生命周期内各种类型的信息资源来创造商业价值,同时降低风险。
针对中型用户,IBM 量身定制了易捷优势。易捷优势不仅是一系列产品,它更是一种服务中型用户的创新方法。简单和经济是易捷优势构建所有解决方案的指导原则,我们力争使解决方案实现前所未有的简便性和优越性价比。我们的解决方案旨在帮助您提高关键业务和技术的能力,助您轻松实现创新。
用最简单的方式为您解决棘手的问题,让 IBM 业务合作伙伴网络变得触手可及,让沟通变得简单直接。这不是夸夸其谈。这是承诺。就这么简单。
IBM 五大软件产品家族:2006年,IBM 凭借 182亿美元的软件收入成为全球最大的中间件供应商,在中国,IBM 更是从 1999年至今连年蝉联软件市场占有率第一名,在市场份额和增长率两方面遥遥领先。IBM 软件的成功源自于对业务和技术趋势的深刻洞察与实施,从而帮助客户取得业务成长。公司旗下拥有 Lotus 协作办公软件,WebShpere 应用系统和整合软件,Information Management 信息管理软件,Tivoli 基础架构管理软件, Rational 开发软件五大软件产品家族,五种安全、易扩展、且性能卓越的的软件可以随需组合,完全满足中小型企业的各种 IT 需求,大幅度提升企业的 IT 效率,成就企业的核心竞争力和创新力,力助企业真正实现快速成长!
WebSphere 应用系统和整合软件
为企业提供实现随需应变业务所需的整合和应用基础设施。基于对 SOA 方面的优势和领导地位以及对客户业务的充分了解,将针对行业提供更多全面支持 SOA 的解决方案,可以通过企业内部和企业之间进行端到端集成提高业务响应能力。
Tivoli 基础架构管理软件
为企业提供实现随需应变业务所需的智能管理软件。Tivoli 竭力通过持续的创新、卓越的可实施性能来确立其在服务管理领域的领导者地位,帮企业更有效地为其核心业务提供服务,隔离、诊断和修复关键业务交易性能问题,确保 IT 环境的状态和效率,从而更好地实现业务目标。
Lotus 协作办公软件
激活员工动力,提高用户在工作岗位中的效率、响应性和创新能力。Lotus 协作办公软件是 IBM SOA 战略中重要组成,整合通过人员、流程与信息之间的协作,为企业客户提供互动服务(interactive service),从而帮助企业协作创新。
Rational 开发软件
从设计、构建、流程到产品管理,为企业提供满足他们实际需求的软件开发平台。Empowering “A”in SOA,IBM Rational 帮助客户更好地进行架构设计和构建 SOA 解决方案,提高开发软件的功能、可靠性和性能。
Information Management 信息管理软件
Information On Demand 是一种务实的信息管理理念,倡导将合适的信息在合适的时候、以合适的渠道传递给需要它的人,帮他们抓住瞬息可逝的机会,并及时对竞争威胁做出反应。IOD 主张通过整合、分析和优化生命周期内各种类型的信息资源来创造商业价值,同时降低风险。
To Roth or not to Roth 401(k)
Money Magazine's Walter Updegrave explains the pros and cons of a Roth 401(k) vs. a regular 401(k).
By Walter Updegrave, Money Magazine senior editor
NEW YORK (Money) -- Question: My employer will begin offering a Roth 401(k) this year, and I'm considering taking advantage of it. As I understand it, the Roth 401(k) is much more advantageous than a regular 401(k) because even though I pay income tax on the dollars I contribute to the Roth, I don't pay tax on withdrawals, which potentially saves me millions of dollars in taxes I would otherwise have to pay on gains. Is my understanding correct, and do you think I should contribute to the Roth? - Danny Pisarcik
Answer: After getting off to a slow start, Roth 401(k)s are beginning to pick up momentum.
Like your employer, more companies have started to offer Roth 401(k)s since they were allowed to start doing so two years ago, and many firms that don't yet provide this option are considering adding it in the future.
To paraphrase Martha Stewart, I think that's a good thing.
But it's important that you - as well as anyone else mulling the Roth 401(k) - have a good understanding of how it works and what its pros and cons are.
So I'm happy to give a quick rundown, as well as offer my thoughts on who ought to consider contributing to this version of the 401(k).
Apples to apples
Let's start with one basic but often misunderstood fact. Although they're effectively mirror images of each other -with a regular 401(k) you invest pre-tax dollars and pay taxes at withdrawal, while with a Roth 401(k) you invest after-tax dollars and pay no tax at the end -in a pure economic sense there's really no difference between the two.
For example, let's suppose you're in the 25 percent tax bracket and you contribute $15,500 - the maximum for 2008 - to a regular 401(k). (People 50 and older can throw in another $5,000, but we'll ignore "catch up" contributions for this example.) And let's further assume that you earn 8 percent a year on your contribution.
At the end of 10 years, your 401(k) account would be worth $33,463. If you withdraw that amount and pay taxes at the 25 percent rate (for simplicity's sake, we'll assume you don't have to pay the 10 percent penalty for premature withdrawals) you would be left with $25,098 after taxes.
One subtle difference
Now let's see what would happen if you instead did the Roth 401(k). Well, since that $15,500 isn't going into a regular 401(k), you'll have to pay tax on it. Assuming a 25 percent tax rate, that would leave you with $11,625 in after-tax dollars to invest in the Roth. Assuming an 8 percent return for 10 years, you would have a balance of $25,098 in your Roth 401(k), tax free - the same as you would have after taxes in your regular 401(k).
In short, you end up at the same place whether you avoid taxes upfront and pay them at the end (i.e., do the regular 401(k)) or you pay the taxes upfront and avoid them at the end (i.e., do the Roth 401(k)).
But there's one little wrinkle about the Roth that gives it an edge. The example above shows that investing $11,625 in after-tax dollars in the Roth 401(k) is the equivalent of making the maximum $15,500 contribution of pre-tax dollars into a regular IRA. But you're not limited to contributing $11,625 in after-tax dollars to the Roth. Congress made the maximum dollar contributions the same for both the regular 401(k) and the Roth 401(k).
The golden years
You can invest up to $15,500 in after-tax dollars to a Roth. Which means that as long as the dollar amount you can contribute to a regular 401(k) and a Roth 401(k) are the same, the Roth 401(k) effectively gives you the chance to sock away more money on a tax-advantaged basis for retirement, assuming you're willing to part with the extra bucks.
Of course, you do reap tax savings from your regular 401(k) contribution. And if you're disciplined enough to invest those tax savings and you're able to duplicate the Roth's tax-free returns on those savings, then the amount you end up with after taxes in a regular 401(k) and the Roth 401(k) would be the same.
But, really, are you going to be meticulous enough to invest the tax savings you get from making a regular 401(k) contribution? I doubt it. So as a practical matter, I see the Roth as a way for people to effectively boost the amount they save for retirement.
Tax rate
I should add that tax rates also play a role in the deciding between a regular 401(k) and a Roth 401(k). The example I've given assumes that you pay the same tax rate at the time you make your contribution as you do when you withdraw the money.
But if that's not the case, then the scales would tip in favor of either the regular or the Roth version.
For example, if you happened to drop from the 25 percent to the 15 percent bracket by the time you withdraw the money from your regular 401(k), then you would deduct less in taxes, leaving you with more than in the Roth.
Conversely, if you climbed into a higher tax bracket - say, 33 percent - then you would owe more in taxes on your regular 401(k), leaving you with less than in the Roth.
So what's all this mean for someone like yourself trying to decide between a regular 401(k) and a Roth 401(k)?
Well, generally the Roth 401(k) is a better deal if you think you'll end up in the same tax bracket or a higher one in retirement, and the regular 401(k) if you think you'll end up in a lower bracket.
Trouble is, it's hard to know what tax rate you'll face once you retire. That will be determined by a variety of factors that are difficult to sort out in advance, including how much money you'll be drawing in retirement from taxable sources like pensions and regular 401(k) and IRA accounts, the amount of interest and capital gains you'll generate in taxable investment accounts after you retire, how much you earn from part-time or other work in retirement and, of course, the extent to which the guys and gals down in D.C. decide to play around with the tax laws after you've retired.
The best of both worlds
That's one reason I think it's a good idea for most people to contribute money to both a regular 401(k) account and, assuming they have the option, in a Roth 401(k). (For more on the benefits of diversifying your tax exposure, or "tax diversification," click here.)
Now, you may want to favor one account over the other depending on your circumstances and your outlook. If you're just starting out in your career and likely to move into a higher tax bracket later on, then you probably want to do more in the Roth.
Ditto, if you're such a diligent saver that withdrawals from retirement accounts are likely to keep you in the same tax bracket as during your career, if not push you into a higher one.
If, on the other hand, for whatever reason you think it's more likely you'll face a lower tax rate in retirement than you do now - perhaps you're at your earnings peak and you expect you'll shift into a lower tax bracket in the final years of your career and during retirement - then you may want to contribute more to a regular 401(k). (Remember, too, that any employer-matching contributions go into a regular 401(k) account, even if you contribute to the Roth.)
Social Security benefits
There are other reasons you'll probably want to have at least some money in both types of accounts. Although Roth 401(k)s have the same withdrawal requirements as regular 401(k)s, by rolling over your Roth 401(k) into a Roth IRA, you can avoid having to make required withdrawals in retirement. And unlike withdrawals from a regular 401(k), withdrawals from a Roth 401(k) don't count when determining whether your Social Security benefits are subject to income taxes.
Bottom line: I don't think of this as a digital decision - do the regular 401(k) or do the Roth 401(k). You can contribute to both (or, if the Roth 401(k) isn't an option, then a Roth IRA, for which the case is similar). The more important issue, as I see it, is that one way or another you accumulate at least some money in both tax-deferred and tax-free accounts. This strategy won't guarantee you the cushiest retirement. But it will allow you to hedge your bets and give you more maneuvering room for managing your tax bill in retirement.
By Walter Updegrave, Money Magazine senior editor
NEW YORK (Money) -- Question: My employer will begin offering a Roth 401(k) this year, and I'm considering taking advantage of it. As I understand it, the Roth 401(k) is much more advantageous than a regular 401(k) because even though I pay income tax on the dollars I contribute to the Roth, I don't pay tax on withdrawals, which potentially saves me millions of dollars in taxes I would otherwise have to pay on gains. Is my understanding correct, and do you think I should contribute to the Roth? - Danny Pisarcik
Answer: After getting off to a slow start, Roth 401(k)s are beginning to pick up momentum.
Like your employer, more companies have started to offer Roth 401(k)s since they were allowed to start doing so two years ago, and many firms that don't yet provide this option are considering adding it in the future.
To paraphrase Martha Stewart, I think that's a good thing.
But it's important that you - as well as anyone else mulling the Roth 401(k) - have a good understanding of how it works and what its pros and cons are.
So I'm happy to give a quick rundown, as well as offer my thoughts on who ought to consider contributing to this version of the 401(k).
Apples to apples
Let's start with one basic but often misunderstood fact. Although they're effectively mirror images of each other -with a regular 401(k) you invest pre-tax dollars and pay taxes at withdrawal, while with a Roth 401(k) you invest after-tax dollars and pay no tax at the end -in a pure economic sense there's really no difference between the two.
For example, let's suppose you're in the 25 percent tax bracket and you contribute $15,500 - the maximum for 2008 - to a regular 401(k). (People 50 and older can throw in another $5,000, but we'll ignore "catch up" contributions for this example.) And let's further assume that you earn 8 percent a year on your contribution.
At the end of 10 years, your 401(k) account would be worth $33,463. If you withdraw that amount and pay taxes at the 25 percent rate (for simplicity's sake, we'll assume you don't have to pay the 10 percent penalty for premature withdrawals) you would be left with $25,098 after taxes.
One subtle difference
Now let's see what would happen if you instead did the Roth 401(k). Well, since that $15,500 isn't going into a regular 401(k), you'll have to pay tax on it. Assuming a 25 percent tax rate, that would leave you with $11,625 in after-tax dollars to invest in the Roth. Assuming an 8 percent return for 10 years, you would have a balance of $25,098 in your Roth 401(k), tax free - the same as you would have after taxes in your regular 401(k).
In short, you end up at the same place whether you avoid taxes upfront and pay them at the end (i.e., do the regular 401(k)) or you pay the taxes upfront and avoid them at the end (i.e., do the Roth 401(k)).
But there's one little wrinkle about the Roth that gives it an edge. The example above shows that investing $11,625 in after-tax dollars in the Roth 401(k) is the equivalent of making the maximum $15,500 contribution of pre-tax dollars into a regular IRA. But you're not limited to contributing $11,625 in after-tax dollars to the Roth. Congress made the maximum dollar contributions the same for both the regular 401(k) and the Roth 401(k).
The golden years
You can invest up to $15,500 in after-tax dollars to a Roth. Which means that as long as the dollar amount you can contribute to a regular 401(k) and a Roth 401(k) are the same, the Roth 401(k) effectively gives you the chance to sock away more money on a tax-advantaged basis for retirement, assuming you're willing to part with the extra bucks.
Of course, you do reap tax savings from your regular 401(k) contribution. And if you're disciplined enough to invest those tax savings and you're able to duplicate the Roth's tax-free returns on those savings, then the amount you end up with after taxes in a regular 401(k) and the Roth 401(k) would be the same.
But, really, are you going to be meticulous enough to invest the tax savings you get from making a regular 401(k) contribution? I doubt it. So as a practical matter, I see the Roth as a way for people to effectively boost the amount they save for retirement.
Tax rate
I should add that tax rates also play a role in the deciding between a regular 401(k) and a Roth 401(k). The example I've given assumes that you pay the same tax rate at the time you make your contribution as you do when you withdraw the money.
But if that's not the case, then the scales would tip in favor of either the regular or the Roth version.
For example, if you happened to drop from the 25 percent to the 15 percent bracket by the time you withdraw the money from your regular 401(k), then you would deduct less in taxes, leaving you with more than in the Roth.
Conversely, if you climbed into a higher tax bracket - say, 33 percent - then you would owe more in taxes on your regular 401(k), leaving you with less than in the Roth.
So what's all this mean for someone like yourself trying to decide between a regular 401(k) and a Roth 401(k)?
Well, generally the Roth 401(k) is a better deal if you think you'll end up in the same tax bracket or a higher one in retirement, and the regular 401(k) if you think you'll end up in a lower bracket.
Trouble is, it's hard to know what tax rate you'll face once you retire. That will be determined by a variety of factors that are difficult to sort out in advance, including how much money you'll be drawing in retirement from taxable sources like pensions and regular 401(k) and IRA accounts, the amount of interest and capital gains you'll generate in taxable investment accounts after you retire, how much you earn from part-time or other work in retirement and, of course, the extent to which the guys and gals down in D.C. decide to play around with the tax laws after you've retired.
The best of both worlds
That's one reason I think it's a good idea for most people to contribute money to both a regular 401(k) account and, assuming they have the option, in a Roth 401(k). (For more on the benefits of diversifying your tax exposure, or "tax diversification," click here.)
Now, you may want to favor one account over the other depending on your circumstances and your outlook. If you're just starting out in your career and likely to move into a higher tax bracket later on, then you probably want to do more in the Roth.
Ditto, if you're such a diligent saver that withdrawals from retirement accounts are likely to keep you in the same tax bracket as during your career, if not push you into a higher one.
If, on the other hand, for whatever reason you think it's more likely you'll face a lower tax rate in retirement than you do now - perhaps you're at your earnings peak and you expect you'll shift into a lower tax bracket in the final years of your career and during retirement - then you may want to contribute more to a regular 401(k). (Remember, too, that any employer-matching contributions go into a regular 401(k) account, even if you contribute to the Roth.)
Social Security benefits
There are other reasons you'll probably want to have at least some money in both types of accounts. Although Roth 401(k)s have the same withdrawal requirements as regular 401(k)s, by rolling over your Roth 401(k) into a Roth IRA, you can avoid having to make required withdrawals in retirement. And unlike withdrawals from a regular 401(k), withdrawals from a Roth 401(k) don't count when determining whether your Social Security benefits are subject to income taxes.
Bottom line: I don't think of this as a digital decision - do the regular 401(k) or do the Roth 401(k). You can contribute to both (or, if the Roth 401(k) isn't an option, then a Roth IRA, for which the case is similar). The more important issue, as I see it, is that one way or another you accumulate at least some money in both tax-deferred and tax-free accounts. This strategy won't guarantee you the cushiest retirement. But it will allow you to hedge your bets and give you more maneuvering room for managing your tax bill in retirement.
晚上好,很高兴今天来到这里,见证一个个激动人心的时刻。过去几年里,很多梦想和希望都变成了现实。我第一次在CES上发表演讲是在1994年,那是很久以前的事情了。那时,windows 95刚刚推出,互联网还在起步阶段。
几年之后,我们进入了第一个“数字十年”。在这十年里,全球PC数量增至10亿台以上;宽带用户从无到有,目前已经超过2.5亿人;全球手机普及率超过 40%;照片也经历了从胶片到数字格式的转变,开始借助软件的力量;音乐行业面临着同样的转型,现在所有整理、选择和交流工作都可以通过软件完成。所有媒体和娱乐都将由软件驱动,这一趋势非常明显。第一个“数字十年”取得了巨大的成功。
当今的趋势是随时随地获取信息;让网站变得更加丰富,且同时支持消费者和企业活动;充分利用PC,进一步提升用户体验;以及充分实现定制化,帮助人们各取所需。10年之前,我曾经预见到一些发展趋势。我曾谈到过车载PC,现在我们已经拥有了福特SYNC;我曾谈到过掌上PC和基于智能手机,现在它们已经占据了大量的市场份额,而且借助于软件获得了更加丰富的应用;我们还将互联网电视会议的创意变为了现实,现在Media Room连接了超过100万名用户。
我认为这段视频并不能完全准确地表现可能要发生的事情,但它非常有趣。事实上,微软的权力交接工作非常顺利,雷·奥谢(Ray Ozzie)和克莱格·穆迪(Craig Mundie)逐步地承担了我的职责。当然,过渡期结束之后,我仍将选择几个项目,主题是软件的巨大力量,包括软件如何推动教育,以及软件如何推动全球医疗等等。
我所谈论的最后一个要点,同时也是最容易被人们低估的事物,是自然用户界面的作用。在第一个“数字十年”,用户界面主要是键盘和鼠标。过去两年里,我们开始看到其它交互方式出现。我们开始谈论Windows PC触摸屏和iPhone触摸屏。我们还看到Tellme语音功能集成在手机和福特SYNC之中,帮助用户与媒体或手机交互。
微软的发展基础当然是Windows平台。我们将继续开发和创新这一平台,并将它变为真正的核心。对于PC行业来说,过去一年是令人难以置信的一年。 2007年,全球PC销量同比增长13%。考虑到计算机用户群体已经十分庞大,这实在是一个不错的成绩。我们认为,未来一年全球PC销量将继续保持两位数百分比的增长。
我们还拥有网络服务。过去一年里,网络服务取得了突飞猛进的发展。对于我们来说,我们的Windows Live服务已经拥有超过4亿名用户。在手机平台方面,Windows Mobile过去一年的用户人数超过了1000万,预计2008年将增加一倍。(sina tech)
晚上好,很高兴今天来到这里,见证一个个激动人心的时刻。过去几年里,很多梦想和希望都变成了现实。我第一次在CES上发表演讲是在1994年,那是很久以前的事情了。那时,windows 95刚刚推出,互联网还在起步阶段。
几年之后,我们进入了第一个“数字十年”。在这十年里,全球PC数量增至10亿台以上;宽带用户从无到有,目前已经超过2.5亿人;全球手机普及率超过 40%;照片也经历了从胶片到数字格式的转变,开始借助软件的力量;音乐行业面临着同样的转型,现在所有整理、选择和交流工作都可以通过软件完成。所有媒体和娱乐都将由软件驱动,这一趋势非常明显。第一个“数字十年”取得了巨大的成功。
当今的趋势是随时随地获取信息;让网站变得更加丰富,且同时支持消费者和企业活动;充分利用PC,进一步提升用户体验;以及充分实现定制化,帮助人们各取所需。10年之前,我曾经预见到一些发展趋势。我曾谈到过车载PC,现在我们已经拥有了福特SYNC;我曾谈到过掌上PC和基于智能手机,现在它们已经占据了大量的市场份额,而且借助于软件获得了更加丰富的应用;我们还将互联网电视会议的创意变为了现实,现在Media Room连接了超过100万名用户。
我认为这段视频并不能完全准确地表现可能要发生的事情,但它非常有趣。事实上,微软的权力交接工作非常顺利,雷·奥谢(Ray Ozzie)和克莱格·穆迪(Craig Mundie)逐步地承担了我的职责。当然,过渡期结束之后,我仍将选择几个项目,主题是软件的巨大力量,包括软件如何推动教育,以及软件如何推动全球医疗等等。
我所谈论的最后一个要点,同时也是最容易被人们低估的事物,是自然用户界面的作用。在第一个“数字十年”,用户界面主要是键盘和鼠标。过去两年里,我们开始看到其它交互方式出现。我们开始谈论Windows PC触摸屏和iPhone触摸屏。我们还看到Tellme语音功能集成在手机和福特SYNC之中,帮助用户与媒体或手机交互。
微软的发展基础当然是Windows平台。我们将继续开发和创新这一平台,并将它变为真正的核心。对于PC行业来说,过去一年是令人难以置信的一年。 2007年,全球PC销量同比增长13%。考虑到计算机用户群体已经十分庞大,这实在是一个不错的成绩。我们认为,未来一年全球PC销量将继续保持两位数百分比的增长。
我们还拥有网络服务。过去一年里,网络服务取得了突飞猛进的发展。对于我们来说,我们的Windows Live服务已经拥有超过4亿名用户。在手机平台方面,Windows Mobile过去一年的用户人数超过了1000万,预计2008年将增加一倍。(sina tech)
County Officials Brought Police to Beijing After Report Critical of Their Party Secretary
By Edward Cody
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, January 9, 2008; Page A11
BEIJING, Jan. 8 -- Government officials from a county in northeastern China's Liaoning province were not pleased by a magazine story criticizing their local Communist Party leader. So they traveled nearly 500 miles to Beijing seeking to arrest the author.
On Tuesday, as word of the case filtered out, it prompted national attention, with the news media crying foul and many other Chinese using the Internet to voice their displeasure.
Editorials in the Beijing press said the officials, from Xifeng county, had abused their power. Even the party's official propaganda organ, People's Daily, ran a signed editorial suggesting that the way to deal with libel accusations is to go to court rather than use heavy-handed "administrative power."
The attempt to arrest the reporter was an uncomfortable reminder of the degree to which local Communist Party officials and their police, in the absence of an independent judicial system, routinely exercise power without legal restraints. But the outcry from editorialists and online commentators also showed that the Chinese public's willingness to accept such untrammeled power may be diminishing.
Public expectations in this regard have been heightened recently by repeated pledges from President Hu Jintao to make the party more honest and responsive to people's needs.
"I have always wondered what makes these cadres, even though they are educated and trained by the party for so many years, fail to perform normally, ignoring their superiors and arrogantly challenging the central media," wrote an Internet user who said he was a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing. "Where does their confidence and strength come from? It shows a lack of democracy and rule of law at the grass-roots level."
The controversy began when a Xifeng gasoline station owner, Zhao Junping, accused the county government of failing to pay her adequate compensation when it expropriated and tore down one of her stations in 2006 to make way for a new trading center. Reinforcing her complaint, she sent her friends a number of cellphone messages satirizing the local party secretary, Zhang Zhiguo, for refusing to give in to her demands for more money.
Zhao also traveled to Beijing last year to petition the national government for redress. But Xifeng county police followed her to the capital and took her back, eventually jailing her and putting her on trial in a local court for tax-dodging and libel. She has been behind bars for about nine months, her case still unresolved.
The dispute caught the attention of Zhu Wenna, editorial director of the monthly magazine Faren in Beijing, and she wrote a story about it in the Jan. 1 issue. Three days later, colleagues reported, the Xifeng propaganda director and law committee director showed up in her Beijing office with a document accusing her of inaccuracies about Zhang, the party secretary.
Zhu refused to entertain their complaint. But they returned in the afternoon, her colleagues said, this time accompanied by three Xifeng police officers and armed with an arrest warrant from the Xifeng Public Security Bureau accusing her of libel, which in China can be a criminal as well as a civil offense.
Zhu, meanwhile, had disappeared, and her editor, Wang Fengbin, refused to reveal her whereabouts.
Party leader Zhang, contacted by the Beijing newspaper Xinjing Bao, said he had not issued orders to the Xifeng police to arrest Zhu and had no idea how they came to travel to Beijing. The official New China News Agency later reported that the investigation against Zhu had been called off. But the pullback did nothing to assuage online critics.
"This incident shows fully the defects of our society, in which power is not effectively checked and local so-called judiciaries are actually the tools of local officials," said one of Tuesday's 30,000-plus Internet commentators. "What's the difference with the feudal emperors?"
Washington Post Foreign Service
Wednesday, January 9, 2008; Page A11
BEIJING, Jan. 8 -- Government officials from a county in northeastern China's Liaoning province were not pleased by a magazine story criticizing their local Communist Party leader. So they traveled nearly 500 miles to Beijing seeking to arrest the author.
On Tuesday, as word of the case filtered out, it prompted national attention, with the news media crying foul and many other Chinese using the Internet to voice their displeasure.
Editorials in the Beijing press said the officials, from Xifeng county, had abused their power. Even the party's official propaganda organ, People's Daily, ran a signed editorial suggesting that the way to deal with libel accusations is to go to court rather than use heavy-handed "administrative power."
The attempt to arrest the reporter was an uncomfortable reminder of the degree to which local Communist Party officials and their police, in the absence of an independent judicial system, routinely exercise power without legal restraints. But the outcry from editorialists and online commentators also showed that the Chinese public's willingness to accept such untrammeled power may be diminishing.
Public expectations in this regard have been heightened recently by repeated pledges from President Hu Jintao to make the party more honest and responsive to people's needs.
"I have always wondered what makes these cadres, even though they are educated and trained by the party for so many years, fail to perform normally, ignoring their superiors and arrogantly challenging the central media," wrote an Internet user who said he was a professor at the China University of Political Science and Law in Beijing. "Where does their confidence and strength come from? It shows a lack of democracy and rule of law at the grass-roots level."
The controversy began when a Xifeng gasoline station owner, Zhao Junping, accused the county government of failing to pay her adequate compensation when it expropriated and tore down one of her stations in 2006 to make way for a new trading center. Reinforcing her complaint, she sent her friends a number of cellphone messages satirizing the local party secretary, Zhang Zhiguo, for refusing to give in to her demands for more money.
Zhao also traveled to Beijing last year to petition the national government for redress. But Xifeng county police followed her to the capital and took her back, eventually jailing her and putting her on trial in a local court for tax-dodging and libel. She has been behind bars for about nine months, her case still unresolved.
The dispute caught the attention of Zhu Wenna, editorial director of the monthly magazine Faren in Beijing, and she wrote a story about it in the Jan. 1 issue. Three days later, colleagues reported, the Xifeng propaganda director and law committee director showed up in her Beijing office with a document accusing her of inaccuracies about Zhang, the party secretary.
Zhu refused to entertain their complaint. But they returned in the afternoon, her colleagues said, this time accompanied by three Xifeng police officers and armed with an arrest warrant from the Xifeng Public Security Bureau accusing her of libel, which in China can be a criminal as well as a civil offense.
Zhu, meanwhile, had disappeared, and her editor, Wang Fengbin, refused to reveal her whereabouts.
Party leader Zhang, contacted by the Beijing newspaper Xinjing Bao, said he had not issued orders to the Xifeng police to arrest Zhu and had no idea how they came to travel to Beijing. The official New China News Agency later reported that the investigation against Zhu had been called off. But the pullback did nothing to assuage online critics.
"This incident shows fully the defects of our society, in which power is not effectively checked and local so-called judiciaries are actually the tools of local officials," said one of Tuesday's 30,000-plus Internet commentators. "What's the difference with the feudal emperors?"
Mayo Clinic, IBM Establish Medical Imaging Research Center
ROCHESTER, MN and ARMONK, NY, Jan 09, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Today, Mayo Clinic and IBM (NYSE: IBM: 97.59, +0.00, +0.00%) announced the creation of a collaborative research facility aimed at advancing medical imaging technologies to improve the quality of patient care. The Medical Imaging Informatics Innovation Center (MI3C) is an extension of a Mayo-IBM research collaboration announced in 2007, the results of which have given physicians the ability to register medical images up to 50 times quicker and provide critical diagnosis, such as the growth or shrinkage of tumors, in seconds instead of hours.
"This facility will allow us to explore projects in medical imaging and radiology that can help to provide faster and better information for our physicians, and in turn, improved treatments for our patients," said Bradley Erickson, M.D., Ph.D., head of Mayo's Radiology Informatics Lab. "The collaborative potential of the MI3C gives us the opportunity to develop computationally intensive solutions for diagnostic problems we see every day, but that we at Mayo could not attempt to resolve on our own."
Driving these patient-centered projects will be a full-time team of Mayo and IBM researchers and development staff. Together, they will tackle a long list of potential projects, including:
-- Maximum-resolution organ imaging to provide physical (phenotype)
information that parallels the current level of genetic detail available
for the same tissue. This is designed to give physicians a much more
complete impression of a patient's condition.
-- Image-guided tumor ablation to pinpoint and maximize efficiency of
heat transfer probes used to destroy cancer tumors. By guiding physicians,
this innovation can help to improve accuracy and minimize side effects.
-- "Video swallow analysis" to see and compare how stroke patients
swallow in order to better determine the severity of their disability and
help provide proper physical therapy as well as protection against choking.
-- Automated Change Detection and Analysis designed to allow physicians
to compare a new image with a previous one, eliminate what has not changed
and to better assess what change has occurred, helping to improve
diagnostic speed and accuracy.
At the heart of the MI3C will be the latest in high-end imaging platforms and computational hardware, including IBM's breakthrough computing system based on the Cell Broadband Engine(TM: 103.04, +0.00, +0.00%) and blade technology. The MI3C will showcase this capability along with Mayo's leadership in medical imaging research and informatics.
"The MI3C is a physical manifestation of the larger set of skills and resources IBM and Mayo Clinic can collectively apply to the medical imaging space," said Bill Rapp, IBM distinguished engineer and chief technology officer for IBM's Healthcare and Life Sciences team. "IBM has world-class research and development teams focused on the fundamental algorithms that drive medical imaging informatics and hardware, while Mayo Clinic provides its expertise for exploiting these algorithms in applications that support a working, real-life radiology environment."
The MI3C will be housed on the Mayo Clinic campus in Rochester, MN, and will bring together clinicians, researchers and vendors in an environment where they can freely interact. By mutual agreement, third parties also will have future opportunities to collaborate with IBM and Mayo in the facility.
In addition to increasing interest and participation in imaging projects that can help to improve patient care, the MI3C also hopes to attract research grants for future investigations. The work will not only grow assets in imaging informatics at IBM and Mayo, including potential new graphics tools for visualization, but also lead to development of a software library for advanced medical imaging on high-end computer systems.
About Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic, a not-for-profit medical center, thoroughly diagnoses and treats complex medical problems in every specialty. It also conducts wide-ranging, interdisciplinary medical research with the sole goal of improving patient care. Mayo Clinic has campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.
About IBM
For more information on IBM, visit www.ibm.com.
*Cell Broadband Engine is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both and is used under license therefrom. All other company product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
IBM VIRTUAL PRESS KIT: http://www.ibm.com/press/us/en/presskit/23251.wss.
Note to Editors: Images and broadcast-quality b-roll are available for download by registered journalists at http://www.thenewsmarket.com/ibm.
Bloggers: Images and video are available for download by registered bloggers at http://www.thenewsmarket.com/videocafe.
Jason Stolarczyk
IBM Media Relations
Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
As of Saturday, 01-05-2008 23:59, the latest Comtex SmarTrend® Alert,
an automated pattern recognition system, indicated an UPTREND on
12-27-2007 for IBM @ $111.37.
For more information on SmarTrend, contact your market data
provider or go to www.mysmartrend.com
SmarTrend is a registered trademark of Comtex News Network, Inc.
Copyright © 2004-2008 Comtex News Network, Inc. All rights reserved.
"This facility will allow us to explore projects in medical imaging and radiology that can help to provide faster and better information for our physicians, and in turn, improved treatments for our patients," said Bradley Erickson, M.D., Ph.D., head of Mayo's Radiology Informatics Lab. "The collaborative potential of the MI3C gives us the opportunity to develop computationally intensive solutions for diagnostic problems we see every day, but that we at Mayo could not attempt to resolve on our own."
Driving these patient-centered projects will be a full-time team of Mayo and IBM researchers and development staff. Together, they will tackle a long list of potential projects, including:
-- Maximum-resolution organ imaging to provide physical (phenotype)
information that parallels the current level of genetic detail available
for the same tissue. This is designed to give physicians a much more
complete impression of a patient's condition.
-- Image-guided tumor ablation to pinpoint and maximize efficiency of
heat transfer probes used to destroy cancer tumors. By guiding physicians,
this innovation can help to improve accuracy and minimize side effects.
-- "Video swallow analysis" to see and compare how stroke patients
swallow in order to better determine the severity of their disability and
help provide proper physical therapy as well as protection against choking.
-- Automated Change Detection and Analysis designed to allow physicians
to compare a new image with a previous one, eliminate what has not changed
and to better assess what change has occurred, helping to improve
diagnostic speed and accuracy.
At the heart of the MI3C will be the latest in high-end imaging platforms and computational hardware, including IBM's breakthrough computing system based on the Cell Broadband Engine(TM: 103.04, +0.00, +0.00%) and blade technology. The MI3C will showcase this capability along with Mayo's leadership in medical imaging research and informatics.
"The MI3C is a physical manifestation of the larger set of skills and resources IBM and Mayo Clinic can collectively apply to the medical imaging space," said Bill Rapp, IBM distinguished engineer and chief technology officer for IBM's Healthcare and Life Sciences team. "IBM has world-class research and development teams focused on the fundamental algorithms that drive medical imaging informatics and hardware, while Mayo Clinic provides its expertise for exploiting these algorithms in applications that support a working, real-life radiology environment."
The MI3C will be housed on the Mayo Clinic campus in Rochester, MN, and will bring together clinicians, researchers and vendors in an environment where they can freely interact. By mutual agreement, third parties also will have future opportunities to collaborate with IBM and Mayo in the facility.
In addition to increasing interest and participation in imaging projects that can help to improve patient care, the MI3C also hopes to attract research grants for future investigations. The work will not only grow assets in imaging informatics at IBM and Mayo, including potential new graphics tools for visualization, but also lead to development of a software library for advanced medical imaging on high-end computer systems.
About Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic, a not-for-profit medical center, thoroughly diagnoses and treats complex medical problems in every specialty. It also conducts wide-ranging, interdisciplinary medical research with the sole goal of improving patient care. Mayo Clinic has campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.
About IBM
For more information on IBM, visit www.ibm.com.
*Cell Broadband Engine is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both and is used under license therefrom. All other company product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
IBM VIRTUAL PRESS KIT: http://www.ibm.com/press/us/en/presskit/23251.wss.
Note to Editors: Images and broadcast-quality b-roll are available for download by registered journalists at http://www.thenewsmarket.com/ibm.
Bloggers: Images and video are available for download by registered bloggers at http://www.thenewsmarket.com/videocafe.
Jason Stolarczyk
IBM Media Relations
Copyright 2008 Market Wire, All rights reserved.
As of Saturday, 01-05-2008 23:59, the latest Comtex SmarTrend® Alert,
an automated pattern recognition system, indicated an UPTREND on
12-27-2007 for IBM @ $111.37.
For more information on SmarTrend, contact your market data
provider or go to www.mysmartrend.com
SmarTrend is a registered trademark of Comtex News Network, Inc.
Copyright © 2004-2008 Comtex News Network, Inc. All rights reserved.
IBM DB2 31技巧
发布时间:2008.01.07 04:56 来源:赛迪网 作者:20363
db2 list node directory
db2 catalog tcpip node
remote server
ostype AIX ¦WIN95 ¦NT ¦HPUX ¦
SUN ¦MVS ¦OS400 ¦
db2 uncatalog node
db2 list database directory
db2 list database directory on <盘符>
在本地数据库目录中有而系统数据库目录中没有的数据库不能访问,可以在控制中心中选中 <数据库> 右键单击选择添加,然后输入需要添加的数据库名称或者点击刷新按钮选择数据库,加入数据库后即可以访问。
db2 catalog database as
at node
db2 uncatalog database
db2 connect to user
9.任何用户均可通过设置Current Schema专用寄存器为特定的数据库连接设置默认模式,初始默认值为当前会话用户的权限ID。
set schema = 可以由用户交互式的使用,也可在应用程序中使用,如果用Dynamicrules Bind选项绑定包,这个语句就没有作用。此语句不在事务控制之下。
create database using
codeset territory
create database dbtest using codeset
IBM-437 territory US
也可以设置整个数据库的代码页,在win2000/NT/xp中,在我的电脑--> 属性--> 高级--> 环境变量中添加变量DB2CODEPAGE = ,例:DB2CODEPAGE = 437 或 DB2CODEPAGE = 1386。或者在IBM DB2命令窗口输入 db2set DB2CODEPAGE=1386,设置后需要重新启动DB2生效。
db2 migrate database
12. 表名或模式中含有引号时访问表
db2 select * from \ "tabschema\ ".\ "tabname\ "
命令行处理器:db2=> select * from "tabschema ". "tabname "
13. 导出数据库的表结构生成DDL文件
db2look -d -e -c -o
14. 执行脚本文件
db2 -tvf
15. 代码页的转换
16. 获取当前DB2的版本
select * from sysibm.sysversions
17. DB2表的字段的修改限制?
alter table alter column
set data type varchar(SIZE)
describe table
describe select * from .
19. 如何快速清除一个大表?
20. 如何查看数据库的存储过程?
21. 如何查看表的约束?
22. 如何查看表的引用完整约束?
23. 如何知道BUFFERPOOLS状况?
db2 get dbm cfg
db2 update dbm cfg using 参数名 新值
db2 update db cfg for
using 参数名 新值
create bufferpool size
[pagesize 4096]
alter bufferpool size
drop bufferpool
如果缓冲区大小设置为 -1 表示缓冲池的页面数目由数据库配置参数buffpage决定。
注意: 数据库配置参数buffpage仅对缓冲区大小设置为 -1 的缓冲池起作用。
26. 多个字段时如何不通过使用select子句使用in/not in
select * from tabschema.tabname where
(colA, colB, colC) [not] in (values
(valueA1, valueB1, valueC1),
(valueA2, valueB2, valueC2),
...(valueAn, valueBn, valueCn))
27. 查看当前连接到数据库的应用
db2 list application [show detail]
28. 如何确认DB2数据库的一致性
db2dart /DB
29. 测试SQL语句的性能
db2batch -d -f
[-a userid/passwd] [-r ]
-r 选项表示将查询结果输出到一个文件中。
30. 导出某个表的数据
export to
export to c:\user.ixf of ixf select * from user
import from
如:导入用户表。导入时可以直接建立新表。如果有该表存在也可以用INSERT 插入,或者用UPDATE更新。
import from c:\user.ixf of ixf
[Create/Insert into / update] tablename
db2 list node directory
db2 catalog tcpip node
SUN ¦MVS ¦OS400 ¦
db2 uncatalog node
db2 list database directory
db2 list database directory on <盘符>
在本地数据库目录中有而系统数据库目录中没有的数据库不能访问,可以在控制中心中选中 <数据库> 右键单击选择添加,然后输入需要添加的数据库名称或者点击刷新按钮选择数据库,加入数据库后即可以访问。
db2 catalog database
db2 uncatalog database
db2 connect to
9.任何用户均可通过设置Current Schema专用寄存器为特定的数据库连接设置默认模式,初始默认值为当前会话用户的权限ID。
set schema = 可以由用户交互式的使用,也可在应用程序中使用,如果用Dynamicrules Bind选项绑定包,这个语句就没有作用。此语句不在事务控制之下。
create database
create database dbtest using codeset
IBM-437 territory US
也可以设置整个数据库的代码页,在win2000/NT/xp中,在我的电脑--> 属性--> 高级--> 环境变量中添加变量DB2CODEPAGE = ,例:DB2CODEPAGE = 437 或 DB2CODEPAGE = 1386。或者在IBM DB2命令窗口输入 db2set DB2CODEPAGE=1386,设置后需要重新启动DB2生效。
db2 migrate database
12. 表名或模式中含有引号时访问表
db2 select * from \ "tabschema\ ".\ "tabname\ "
命令行处理器:db2=> select * from "tabschema ". "tabname "
13. 导出数据库的表结构生成DDL文件
db2look -d
14. 执行脚本文件
db2 -tvf
15. 代码页的转换
16. 获取当前DB2的版本
select * from sysibm.sysversions
17. DB2表的字段的修改限制?
alter table
describe table
describe select * from
19. 如何快速清除一个大表?
20. 如何查看数据库的存储过程?
21. 如何查看表的约束?
22. 如何查看表的引用完整约束?
23. 如何知道BUFFERPOOLS状况?
db2 get dbm cfg
db2 update dbm cfg using 参数名 新值
db2 update db cfg for
create bufferpool
alter bufferpool
drop bufferpool
如果缓冲区大小设置为 -1 表示缓冲池的页面数目由数据库配置参数buffpage决定。
注意: 数据库配置参数buffpage仅对缓冲区大小设置为 -1 的缓冲池起作用。
26. 多个字段时如何不通过使用select子句使用in/not in
select * from tabschema.tabname where
(colA, colB, colC) [not] in (values
(valueA1, valueB1, valueC1),
(valueA2, valueB2, valueC2),
...(valueAn, valueBn, valueCn))
27. 查看当前连接到数据库的应用
db2 list application [show detail]
28. 如何确认DB2数据库的一致性
29. 测试SQL语句的性能
db2batch -d
[-a userid/passwd] [-r
-r 选项表示将查询结果输出到一个文件中。
30. 导出某个表的数据
export to
export to c:\user.ixf of ixf select * from user
import from
如:导入用户表。导入时可以直接建立新表。如果有该表存在也可以用INSERT 插入,或者用UPDATE更新。
import from c:\user.ixf of ixf
[Create/Insert into / update] tablename
[计世网消息](胡杨 编译) IBM将根据客户的类型而不是单个产品对其硬件部门实施重组。这是IBM硬件部门15年来进行的规模最大的重组。
William Zeitler在本周四发布的内部备忘录中称,这次重组将加强IBM向中小企业销售技术以及专门为中小企业设计产品的能力。
Annex Research公司分析师Bob Djurdjevic称,这次调整将使IBM更快地适应中小企业的需求。虽然IBM董事长兼首席执行官彭明盛一直在谈论“降低IBM的重心”,但是,在此之前这些说法仅仅是空谈。
[计世网消息](胡杨 编译) IBM将根据客户的类型而不是单个产品对其硬件部门实施重组。这是IBM硬件部门15年来进行的规模最大的重组。
William Zeitler在本周四发布的内部备忘录中称,这次重组将加强IBM向中小企业销售技术以及专门为中小企业设计产品的能力。
Annex Research公司分析师Bob Djurdjevic称,这次调整将使IBM更快地适应中小企业的需求。虽然IBM董事长兼首席执行官彭明盛一直在谈论“降低IBM的重心”,但是,在此之前这些说法仅仅是空谈。
The home-office life can sometimes be harder than it looks
By Ralph Gardner Jr.
Sunday, Jan 06, 2008, Page 9
`You're either working too hard or not hard enough.'
Before they were married in September, Nicci Young and Richard Wiese first had to split up. The problem was not romantic, but spatial: Young Wiese, who organizes community development safaris to Africa, and Wiese, a writer and explorer, found that their Upper East Side one-bedroom was not big enough for the two of them after both decided to work from home.
"He kept talking to me about his work, which is very interesting, but it was really taking time out of my workday," Young Wiese said. "And when I was alone there was a sense of loneliness and procrastination."
Wiese, who is writing a how-to book about exploration for teenagers, acknowledged the problem.
"Nicci tends to be a lot more intense," he said. "Especially with lighter work, I can be watching a ballgame. If I saw a funny e-mail coming through I'd want to share it. I'd get these glances from her, like, `I'm working!'"
Young Wiese is one of many of the millions of Americans now working outside traditional workplaces who have found themselves surprised by how difficult home-office life can be. It requires strict self-discipline and an ability to tune out spouses, children and pets. For the more sociable or emotionally needy, it can feel like house arrest, especially if the phone hasn't rung in a while.
Young Wiese's solution was to rent space in a communal office, an increasingly popular option for those who can afford it. (According to Sara Horowitz, the executive director of the Freelancers Union, a nonprofit organization that advocates for the self-employed, the use of communal work spaces has been on the rise among members for about three years, "and in the last year it's started accelerating.") Those who can't afford a separate space, or who find home too convenient or rewarding a workplace base to give up -- learn to live with the challenges, coming up with smaller-scale solutions over time.
One of the hardest adjustments for those working from home is deciding when to take a break, and when to quit for the day. With the computer always beckoning and the commute measured in the time it takes to cross the living room, there's always a reason to go back to work -- or an excuse to avoid it.
"It's sort of a guilty feeling -- I should be working," said Kathy McHugh, a headhunter for high-tech companies who has worked out of her Manhattan apartment on and off for several years. "My office is 2 feet away."
Children can be a distraction, as Barbara Magnoni, an international development consultant, discovered when she and Magali Montes, a business associate, tried to hold meetings in Magnoni's apartment after picking up their children from school.
"We'd meet at home with our kids running around and they would think it was a play date when it actually wasn't," Magnoni said.
Sid Holt, a media senior vice president whose office is in a barn a few steps from his house in northern Westchester County, described the difficulty of pacing himself.
"There are no cigarette breaks," he said. "You're either working too hard or not hard enough."
Holt said he finds it helpful to schedule his time in a way that mimics the 9-to-5 life of his years spent working in a New York office. He tries to keep to a routine that includes breakfast at a local coffee shop -- reminiscent of his ritual of picking up coffee and a bagel at Grand Central Terminal on the way to his former job -- and a 10am conference call with three other employees of go2Media, a Boston-based mobile Web service for which he oversees editorial content.
The conference call and frequent e-mail exchanges with other employees contribute to a sense of accomplishment that would be harder to achieve if he were working entirely on his own, he said. And they also help him to feel that he has earned the reward that once greeted him on his return from Manhattan, and that he still uses to punctuate the day.
"I say to myself, there's a martini waiting for me down at the house and I'm leaving now," he said.
For home-office workers who aren't in regular touch with colleagues or clients, a frequent complaint -- even among those who say they are distracted by other members of their households -- is of isolation. David Behl, a photographer whose studio is connected to his TriBeCa loft, said he enjoys working at home when the jobs are pouring in and the studio is filled with clients and assistants. But at other times, he added, he misses the studio he used to share with two other photographers.
"You don't see anybody," he said. "You don't go out for lunch. It's easier to get depressed because there's no one to complain to."
McHugh said business lunches can be a lifeline after a couple of weeks working from home, and that she often finds herself glomming onto her daughter when she gets home from high school in the afternoon.
"I'm happy to see somebody who's out in the world," she said.
These issues have been observed at IBM, where a "mobile work force" strategy has led to 30 percent of employees working full time from home (as well as a savings on office space that the company estimates at US$100 million a year).
"We found if you're working from home and do not have an interaction with someone from work, or a client, or a physical meeting, after three days you start to feel isolated," said Dan Pelino, who manages IBM's mobile work force program. Soon after the company introduced the program in 2001, he added, "people have said to me, `IBM stands for `I'm By Myself.'"
The company has tried to mitigate this problem with "mobility centers," communal spaces that it maintains wherever it has offices, offering desks, phone and Internet lines, and office equipment for the periodic use of home-based workers.
It has also promoted "IBM clubs," meant to encourage employee bonding. Club members have taken day trips together to a zoo, traded cookie recipes and "gone to a race track and learned how to be a NASCAR driver," Pelino said.
For those who can't depend on corporate beneficence, it is now possible to rent a desk or office in communal work spaces all over the country.
The Regus Group, a Dallas-based company that rents temporary office space around the world and has 17 locations in Manhattan alone, has been doubling its US business every two years, said Guillermo Rotman, the company's chief executive for the Americas.
In addition to cubicles and individual offices in various configurations, its spaces all have business lounges with sofas, armchairs, Internet ports, coffee machines and companionship for those seeking it. (The company also sells US$300-a-year passes to its business lounges, which number 950 around the world and cater to itinerant laptoppers.)
One Regus client in New York, David Robertson, said he had been looking forward to working at home from his Lower Manhattan apartment when he took a job in 2006 with a startup company that licenses images from college sports events, but that he lasted less than three months.
"There seemed to be a lot of distractions," he said, "whether it was my children, or the refrigerator, or some home improvement project that was just sitting there staring at me."
His company pays slightly less than US$1,000 a month for the cubicle he selected over an office with a closing door because it presented more opportunities to socialize. He now wears a suit and tie to work when he wants to, and enjoys the reassuring cadences of the 9-to-5 world, as well as the camaraderie of his new office mates.
"It's not like they're best friends," he said of his fellow business lounge denizens and the Regus staff members who are there to support them. "But they're adults you can have a conversation with."
Young Wiese, who pays US$650 a month for a desk in a communal office in a private house near her apartment, said she, too, is happy to be surrounded by office mates who are friendly, if less gregarious than Wiese. They share job leads with one another, they go out to lunch.
She added that she prefers these relationships to those in a traditional office.
"You have this collegial atmosphere, but it's not fraught with any work issues or roles or responsibilities," she said.
Several of them are women who, like her, have abandoned their home offices to their work-at-home husbands.
Abby Vaughn, an advertising representative for Canadian newspapers, actually took over her husband's space at the communal office when he was dismissed by the office manager after two weeks because his telephone manner was too loud. He is once again selling market research from home, while Vaughn goes off to the rented cubicle.
"He's worked from his apartment for two years," his wife explained. "He wasn't used to being around people."
This story has been viewed 463 times.
Sunday, Jan 06, 2008, Page 9
`You're either working too hard or not hard enough.'
Before they were married in September, Nicci Young and Richard Wiese first had to split up. The problem was not romantic, but spatial: Young Wiese, who organizes community development safaris to Africa, and Wiese, a writer and explorer, found that their Upper East Side one-bedroom was not big enough for the two of them after both decided to work from home.
"He kept talking to me about his work, which is very interesting, but it was really taking time out of my workday," Young Wiese said. "And when I was alone there was a sense of loneliness and procrastination."
Wiese, who is writing a how-to book about exploration for teenagers, acknowledged the problem.
"Nicci tends to be a lot more intense," he said. "Especially with lighter work, I can be watching a ballgame. If I saw a funny e-mail coming through I'd want to share it. I'd get these glances from her, like, `I'm working!'"
Young Wiese is one of many of the millions of Americans now working outside traditional workplaces who have found themselves surprised by how difficult home-office life can be. It requires strict self-discipline and an ability to tune out spouses, children and pets. For the more sociable or emotionally needy, it can feel like house arrest, especially if the phone hasn't rung in a while.
Young Wiese's solution was to rent space in a communal office, an increasingly popular option for those who can afford it. (According to Sara Horowitz, the executive director of the Freelancers Union, a nonprofit organization that advocates for the self-employed, the use of communal work spaces has been on the rise among members for about three years, "and in the last year it's started accelerating.") Those who can't afford a separate space, or who find home too convenient or rewarding a workplace base to give up -- learn to live with the challenges, coming up with smaller-scale solutions over time.
One of the hardest adjustments for those working from home is deciding when to take a break, and when to quit for the day. With the computer always beckoning and the commute measured in the time it takes to cross the living room, there's always a reason to go back to work -- or an excuse to avoid it.
"It's sort of a guilty feeling -- I should be working," said Kathy McHugh, a headhunter for high-tech companies who has worked out of her Manhattan apartment on and off for several years. "My office is 2 feet away."
Children can be a distraction, as Barbara Magnoni, an international development consultant, discovered when she and Magali Montes, a business associate, tried to hold meetings in Magnoni's apartment after picking up their children from school.
"We'd meet at home with our kids running around and they would think it was a play date when it actually wasn't," Magnoni said.
Sid Holt, a media senior vice president whose office is in a barn a few steps from his house in northern Westchester County, described the difficulty of pacing himself.
"There are no cigarette breaks," he said. "You're either working too hard or not hard enough."
Holt said he finds it helpful to schedule his time in a way that mimics the 9-to-5 life of his years spent working in a New York office. He tries to keep to a routine that includes breakfast at a local coffee shop -- reminiscent of his ritual of picking up coffee and a bagel at Grand Central Terminal on the way to his former job -- and a 10am conference call with three other employees of go2Media, a Boston-based mobile Web service for which he oversees editorial content.
The conference call and frequent e-mail exchanges with other employees contribute to a sense of accomplishment that would be harder to achieve if he were working entirely on his own, he said. And they also help him to feel that he has earned the reward that once greeted him on his return from Manhattan, and that he still uses to punctuate the day.
"I say to myself, there's a martini waiting for me down at the house and I'm leaving now," he said.
For home-office workers who aren't in regular touch with colleagues or clients, a frequent complaint -- even among those who say they are distracted by other members of their households -- is of isolation. David Behl, a photographer whose studio is connected to his TriBeCa loft, said he enjoys working at home when the jobs are pouring in and the studio is filled with clients and assistants. But at other times, he added, he misses the studio he used to share with two other photographers.
"You don't see anybody," he said. "You don't go out for lunch. It's easier to get depressed because there's no one to complain to."
McHugh said business lunches can be a lifeline after a couple of weeks working from home, and that she often finds herself glomming onto her daughter when she gets home from high school in the afternoon.
"I'm happy to see somebody who's out in the world," she said.
These issues have been observed at IBM, where a "mobile work force" strategy has led to 30 percent of employees working full time from home (as well as a savings on office space that the company estimates at US$100 million a year).
"We found if you're working from home and do not have an interaction with someone from work, or a client, or a physical meeting, after three days you start to feel isolated," said Dan Pelino, who manages IBM's mobile work force program. Soon after the company introduced the program in 2001, he added, "people have said to me, `IBM stands for `I'm By Myself.'"
The company has tried to mitigate this problem with "mobility centers," communal spaces that it maintains wherever it has offices, offering desks, phone and Internet lines, and office equipment for the periodic use of home-based workers.
It has also promoted "IBM clubs," meant to encourage employee bonding. Club members have taken day trips together to a zoo, traded cookie recipes and "gone to a race track and learned how to be a NASCAR driver," Pelino said.
For those who can't depend on corporate beneficence, it is now possible to rent a desk or office in communal work spaces all over the country.
The Regus Group, a Dallas-based company that rents temporary office space around the world and has 17 locations in Manhattan alone, has been doubling its US business every two years, said Guillermo Rotman, the company's chief executive for the Americas.
In addition to cubicles and individual offices in various configurations, its spaces all have business lounges with sofas, armchairs, Internet ports, coffee machines and companionship for those seeking it. (The company also sells US$300-a-year passes to its business lounges, which number 950 around the world and cater to itinerant laptoppers.)
One Regus client in New York, David Robertson, said he had been looking forward to working at home from his Lower Manhattan apartment when he took a job in 2006 with a startup company that licenses images from college sports events, but that he lasted less than three months.
"There seemed to be a lot of distractions," he said, "whether it was my children, or the refrigerator, or some home improvement project that was just sitting there staring at me."
His company pays slightly less than US$1,000 a month for the cubicle he selected over an office with a closing door because it presented more opportunities to socialize. He now wears a suit and tie to work when he wants to, and enjoys the reassuring cadences of the 9-to-5 world, as well as the camaraderie of his new office mates.
"It's not like they're best friends," he said of his fellow business lounge denizens and the Regus staff members who are there to support them. "But they're adults you can have a conversation with."
Young Wiese, who pays US$650 a month for a desk in a communal office in a private house near her apartment, said she, too, is happy to be surrounded by office mates who are friendly, if less gregarious than Wiese. They share job leads with one another, they go out to lunch.
She added that she prefers these relationships to those in a traditional office.
"You have this collegial atmosphere, but it's not fraught with any work issues or roles or responsibilities," she said.
Several of them are women who, like her, have abandoned their home offices to their work-at-home husbands.
Abby Vaughn, an advertising representative for Canadian newspapers, actually took over her husband's space at the communal office when he was dismissed by the office manager after two weeks because his telephone manner was too loud. He is once again selling market research from home, while Vaughn goes off to the rented cubicle.
"He's worked from his apartment for two years," his wife explained. "He wasn't used to being around people."
This story has been viewed 463 times.
IBM Annexes XIV
January 2, 2008
By Paul Shread
IBM started the new year on the acquisition trail, picking up Israel-based storage startup XIV Ltd. for a reported $300 million to $350 million.
XIV makes Nextra, a storage system based on a grid of commodity hardware that includes features such as thin provisioning, snapshots and remote mirroring.
The company, founded by former EMC chief engineer Moshe Yanai, has shipped about 4 petabytes of high-performance storage in the last couple of years. But rather than adding another general storage line, IBM plans to target the company's technology at next-generation digital content.
"IBM is positioning this acquisition and the Nextra solution in the emerging applications space — Web 2.0, video surveillance, rich media, etc., whereas I would guess that XIV has been selling in the more general purpose application space that products like EMC Symmetrix occupy," said John Webster, principal IT advisor at Illuminata. "So right now, there is a positioning wall between Nextra and IBM's established storage lines."
XIV, its technologies and employees will become part of the IBM System Storage business unit of the IBM Systems and Technology Group, and IBM plans to discuss integration plans as they develop over time.
IBM is billing the acquisition as the first major deal for the IBM Systems and Technology Group in nearly a decade.
"The acquisition of XIV will further strengthen the IBM infrastructure portfolio long term and put IBM in the best position to address emerging storage opportunities like Web 2.0 applications, digital archives and digital media," Andy Monshaw, general manager of IBM System Storage, said in a statement.
"The ability for almost anyone to create digital content at any time has accelerated the need for a whole new way of applying infrastructure solutions to the new world of digital information," he said. "IBM’s goal is to provide the leading technologies and solutions at every layer of the data center — storage, servers, software and services — to address these new realities IT customers face."
IBM said it was impressed by Nextra's ability to scale dynamically, heal itself and self-tune while eliminating the management burdens associated with rapid growth environments. The architecture also automatically optimizes resource utilization of all components within the system, allowing for easier management and configuration and improved performance and data availability.
"We believe the level of technological innovation achieved by our development team is unparalleled in the storage industry," boasted Yanai, who is credited with the development of EMC's high-end Symmetrix system. "Combining our storage architectural advancements with IBM’s world-wide research, sales, service, manufacturing and distribution capabilities will provide us with the ability to have these technologies tackle the emerging Web 2.0 technology needs and reach every corner of the world."
IBM isn't the only storage company that spent the holidays making strategic acquisitions. EMC announced that it is buying publicly-held Document Sciences Corp. for $85 million. Document Sciences makes document output management (DOM) software that facilitates personalized, multi-channel communications with customers, partners and suppliers, adding to EMC's position in the transactional content management (TCM) space, the fastest-growing segment of enterprise content management.
And Double-Take Software acquired CDP startup TimeSpring to bolster its data protection and backup capabilities for virtualized and physical server environments.
Back to Enterprise Storage Forum
By Paul Shread
IBM started the new year on the acquisition trail, picking up Israel-based storage startup XIV Ltd. for a reported $300 million to $350 million.
XIV makes Nextra, a storage system based on a grid of commodity hardware that includes features such as thin provisioning, snapshots and remote mirroring.
The company, founded by former EMC chief engineer Moshe Yanai, has shipped about 4 petabytes of high-performance storage in the last couple of years. But rather than adding another general storage line, IBM plans to target the company's technology at next-generation digital content.
"IBM is positioning this acquisition and the Nextra solution in the emerging applications space — Web 2.0, video surveillance, rich media, etc., whereas I would guess that XIV has been selling in the more general purpose application space that products like EMC Symmetrix occupy," said John Webster, principal IT advisor at Illuminata. "So right now, there is a positioning wall between Nextra and IBM's established storage lines."
XIV, its technologies and employees will become part of the IBM System Storage business unit of the IBM Systems and Technology Group, and IBM plans to discuss integration plans as they develop over time.
IBM is billing the acquisition as the first major deal for the IBM Systems and Technology Group in nearly a decade.
"The acquisition of XIV will further strengthen the IBM infrastructure portfolio long term and put IBM in the best position to address emerging storage opportunities like Web 2.0 applications, digital archives and digital media," Andy Monshaw, general manager of IBM System Storage, said in a statement.
"The ability for almost anyone to create digital content at any time has accelerated the need for a whole new way of applying infrastructure solutions to the new world of digital information," he said. "IBM’s goal is to provide the leading technologies and solutions at every layer of the data center — storage, servers, software and services — to address these new realities IT customers face."
IBM said it was impressed by Nextra's ability to scale dynamically, heal itself and self-tune while eliminating the management burdens associated with rapid growth environments. The architecture also automatically optimizes resource utilization of all components within the system, allowing for easier management and configuration and improved performance and data availability.
"We believe the level of technological innovation achieved by our development team is unparalleled in the storage industry," boasted Yanai, who is credited with the development of EMC's high-end Symmetrix system. "Combining our storage architectural advancements with IBM’s world-wide research, sales, service, manufacturing and distribution capabilities will provide us with the ability to have these technologies tackle the emerging Web 2.0 technology needs and reach every corner of the world."
IBM isn't the only storage company that spent the holidays making strategic acquisitions. EMC announced that it is buying publicly-held Document Sciences Corp. for $85 million. Document Sciences makes document output management (DOM) software that facilitates personalized, multi-channel communications with customers, partners and suppliers, adding to EMC's position in the transactional content management (TCM) space, the fastest-growing segment of enterprise content management.
And Double-Take Software acquired CDP startup TimeSpring to bolster its data protection and backup capabilities for virtualized and physical server environments.
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Times Square marks century of celebrations
NEW YORK (AP) -- More than a million revelers in Times Square cheered as the giant crystal ball made its 100th drop and a ton of confetti rained down on the urban canyon, ushering in the new year.
Pedestrians started crowding the Times Square area even before the neon-lit crossroads were closed to vehicles.
Organizers said well over a million people attended the festivities. They were treated to an entertainment lineup that included Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest handling the countdown to 2008 and musical performances by Carrie Underwood, Miley Cyrus and others.
New Year's Eve revelers converged on Times Square to watch the dropping of a new energy-efficient ball, while gay couples in New Hampshire awaited the stroke of midnight to take advantage of a new law allowing civil unions.
In New York, Milwaukee resident Jennelle Joset and her mother, Wanda Bowers, had been standing around since 1 p.m., wearing hats with big plastic wheels of cheese to show their Wisconsin pride.
"I had to do this once, to see it once before I die," Bowers said.
The first ball was an iron-and-wood contraption lit with 100 25-watt incandescent bulbs, but the Waterford crystal-clad star of this year's extravaganza was lit up with 9,576 tiny LEDs that organizers said would draw about as much electricity as 10 toasters.
Philips Lighting, which made the light-emitting diodes, said they would be more than twice as bright as last year's energy-hungry lights and are capable of generating more than 16 million colors. Video Watch CNN's Deborah Feyerick report on preparations at New York's Times Square »
A different sort of light show was set in Brooksville, Florida, where the ball being dropped was a 200-pound fiberglass tangerine, with light bulbs inside. And in downtown Miami, the Big Orange will slowly climb to the top of the Hotel Inter-Continental, followed by a laser and fireworks show.
About 1 million people were expected for the 32nd First Night celebration in Boston. The party lineup included a half-dozen ice sculptures around the city, each weighing 30 to 45 tons, performances by hundreds of artists, and a midnight fireworks display over Boston Harbor.
Don't Miss
* AC 360 Blog: What's your New Year's resolution?
* New Year's in New York
* New Year's Eve around the world
Authorities in several cities including Phoenix, Dallas and Detroit pleaded with residents not to ring in the new year by shooting bullets skyward. Emergency Medical Service technicians in New Orleans even planned to don combat helmets made from the same fiber used in bullet-resistant vests for the second straight year.
The Chicago Transit Authority continued its New Year's Eve tradition of offering penny fares on buses and trains as thousands were expected to head to the city's fireworks shows on Navy Pier. Philadelphia also had a huge fireworks display planned, with 4,000 fireworks shells scheduled to explode over the Delaware River.
More than 300,000 people were expected to crowd the Las Vegas Strip and downtown resorts for the countdown to midnight. They were expected to spend more than $200 million in restaurants, theaters and clubs -- with a big chunk of that going to the hefty door charge, usually around $250, at the Strip's slick nightclubs.
For that much money, patrons could see pop star Avril Lavigne, booked to host the party at the new Prive Las Vegas at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. The Luxor's LAX scored both Hilton sisters -- Nicky and Paris -- for its bash.
"It's a party city, it's wild out here!" said Stephanie Smith, 21, of West Covina, California, as her friends polished off yard-long margaritas and walked the sidewalk outside the Wynn Las Vegas resort.
Sleeping bags and folding chairs were already in place Monday in Pasadena, California, at prime viewing spots for the 119th Rose Parade and its New Year's Day floats and marching bands.
"This is my first time at the parade," said Mimi Moore, 18, who had been waiting on a patch of grass near the starting point of the parade since 2 a.m. "I'm only on three hours sleep. We spend the time playing Twister and football."
About 20 couples decided to be the first to take advantage of New Hampshire's new civil-unions law with a midnight ceremony on the Statehouse steps in Concord. Snow and freezing temperatures were forecast.
"I don't have any winter coats with rhinestones and glitter, so I'm just going to dress warmly," said organizer and participant Jennifer Major of Gilmanton, New Hampshire.
About 1,000 runners had signed up to greet the New Year with the 10th Annual First Night 5K race at Saratoga Springs, New York. Nearly a foot of snow had fallen since Sunday, but the race has never been canceled, usually because crews start cleaning the course immediately after a snowfall.
"I think what happens on a day like this is that runners are even more motivated and challenged to run," said Ray O'Conor, a bank president who runs it almost every year. "I'm not sure what that says about our mental makeup!" E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend
Pedestrians started crowding the Times Square area even before the neon-lit crossroads were closed to vehicles.
Organizers said well over a million people attended the festivities. They were treated to an entertainment lineup that included Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest handling the countdown to 2008 and musical performances by Carrie Underwood, Miley Cyrus and others.
New Year's Eve revelers converged on Times Square to watch the dropping of a new energy-efficient ball, while gay couples in New Hampshire awaited the stroke of midnight to take advantage of a new law allowing civil unions.
In New York, Milwaukee resident Jennelle Joset and her mother, Wanda Bowers, had been standing around since 1 p.m., wearing hats with big plastic wheels of cheese to show their Wisconsin pride.
"I had to do this once, to see it once before I die," Bowers said.
The first ball was an iron-and-wood contraption lit with 100 25-watt incandescent bulbs, but the Waterford crystal-clad star of this year's extravaganza was lit up with 9,576 tiny LEDs that organizers said would draw about as much electricity as 10 toasters.
Philips Lighting, which made the light-emitting diodes, said they would be more than twice as bright as last year's energy-hungry lights and are capable of generating more than 16 million colors. Video Watch CNN's Deborah Feyerick report on preparations at New York's Times Square »
A different sort of light show was set in Brooksville, Florida, where the ball being dropped was a 200-pound fiberglass tangerine, with light bulbs inside. And in downtown Miami, the Big Orange will slowly climb to the top of the Hotel Inter-Continental, followed by a laser and fireworks show.
About 1 million people were expected for the 32nd First Night celebration in Boston. The party lineup included a half-dozen ice sculptures around the city, each weighing 30 to 45 tons, performances by hundreds of artists, and a midnight fireworks display over Boston Harbor.
Don't Miss
* AC 360 Blog: What's your New Year's resolution?
* New Year's in New York
* New Year's Eve around the world
Authorities in several cities including Phoenix, Dallas and Detroit pleaded with residents not to ring in the new year by shooting bullets skyward. Emergency Medical Service technicians in New Orleans even planned to don combat helmets made from the same fiber used in bullet-resistant vests for the second straight year.
The Chicago Transit Authority continued its New Year's Eve tradition of offering penny fares on buses and trains as thousands were expected to head to the city's fireworks shows on Navy Pier. Philadelphia also had a huge fireworks display planned, with 4,000 fireworks shells scheduled to explode over the Delaware River.
More than 300,000 people were expected to crowd the Las Vegas Strip and downtown resorts for the countdown to midnight. They were expected to spend more than $200 million in restaurants, theaters and clubs -- with a big chunk of that going to the hefty door charge, usually around $250, at the Strip's slick nightclubs.
For that much money, patrons could see pop star Avril Lavigne, booked to host the party at the new Prive Las Vegas at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino. The Luxor's LAX scored both Hilton sisters -- Nicky and Paris -- for its bash.
"It's a party city, it's wild out here!" said Stephanie Smith, 21, of West Covina, California, as her friends polished off yard-long margaritas and walked the sidewalk outside the Wynn Las Vegas resort.
Sleeping bags and folding chairs were already in place Monday in Pasadena, California, at prime viewing spots for the 119th Rose Parade and its New Year's Day floats and marching bands.
"This is my first time at the parade," said Mimi Moore, 18, who had been waiting on a patch of grass near the starting point of the parade since 2 a.m. "I'm only on three hours sleep. We spend the time playing Twister and football."
About 20 couples decided to be the first to take advantage of New Hampshire's new civil-unions law with a midnight ceremony on the Statehouse steps in Concord. Snow and freezing temperatures were forecast.
"I don't have any winter coats with rhinestones and glitter, so I'm just going to dress warmly," said organizer and participant Jennifer Major of Gilmanton, New Hampshire.
About 1,000 runners had signed up to greet the New Year with the 10th Annual First Night 5K race at Saratoga Springs, New York. Nearly a foot of snow had fallen since Sunday, but the race has never been canceled, usually because crews start cleaning the course immediately after a snowfall.
"I think what happens on a day like this is that runners are even more motivated and challenged to run," said Ray O'Conor, a bank president who runs it almost every year. "I'm not sure what that says about our mental makeup!" E-mail to a friend E-mail to a friend
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