
Self help support info for TSM 5.4 Adm

New to Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)? Learn about online support information to assist in and leverage your use of the TSM product.

Problem Determination Guides
TSM version 5.3
TSM version 5.3.2
TSM version 5.4

Performance Tuning Guides
TSM version 5.3
TSM version 5.4

Now available: Automatically emailed support information for TSM administrators
Tivoli Storage Manager users can subscribe to receive monthly emails that contain technical information to assist them in administration of TSM environments.
URL: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=663&context=SSGSG7&dc=DB540&uid=swg21249287

Tivoli Storage Manager Manual Information Center
This information center contains documentation for IBM Tivoli Storage Management products. Storage software manages and assures the accessibility, availability, and performance of stored information.
URL: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/index.jsp

Complimentary concepts poster for Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) administrators and users
This poster is intended for TSM administrators and users to hang in their work areas. It provides a detailed visual overview of TSM, the major components, and key concepts regarding client operations, maintaining the server and aspects of server storage. It shows conceptually how all the different parts and processes of the product work together. Order your FREE copy today via these instructions:
1. Customer selects country
2. Customer selects search for publications
3. Customer enters Publication Number SC32-9464-00 in the publication number field
4. Customer then follows the e-Mail instructions to receive a FREE Complementary copy.

** Note: IBM internal employees please order this pub via the intranet site: http://w3.ibm.com/publications/order

Just updated for v5.4
IBM Education Assistant for Tivoli Storage Manager
What is it? The IBM Education Assistant (IEA) integrates narrated presentations, Show Me Demonstrations, tutorials, and resource links to help you successfully configure and use IBM software products.
In detail, the information provided in IEA is role and task based to demonstrate how to accomplish "specific" tasks in their software product. The term coined for this is aptly named "Just in Time" training.
IEA consists of:
Presentations - technical overviews that provide background on a topic (some are audio-enabled)
Show Me Demos - guided demonstrations that show how to complete a specific task
Tutorials - step-by-step instructions to follow for completing a task
Additional reading material - links that organize product documentation, Redbooks, and whitepapers

See it here: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/ieduasst/tivv1r0/topic/com.ibm.iea.tsm/tsm/TSMv54_Task.html

IBM Support Assistant for Tivoli Storage Manager
This tool will assist Tivoli Storage Manager admins with their support issues. It is called IBM Support Assistant (ISA) and is available in the download section at the TSM Support page: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/IBMTivoliStorageManager.html
ISA is a cross-product extensible client application that increases your capacity for self-help by making it easier to access support resources. ISA allows you to add plug-ins for the IBM products you use, creating a customized support experience for your configuration.
The Tivoli Storage Manager Server product plug-in enhances the Search, Education, Support Links and Service components of IBM Support Assistant. As more plugins become available for TSM we will announce them on the TSM support pages.

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Implementation Guide
This IBM Redbook describes how to integrate, install, configure, and operate the very latest IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Release 5.3 in heterogeneous environments.”.
URL: http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/abstracts/SG245416.html?Open

Sign up to receive weekly mailings for all products via the MySupport Portal
By registering for this service you can sign up to receive product specific support information on: Downloads, Flashes, Forum/Discussion Groups, Problem Solving Information, Publications, and specific customer support sites.
URL: https://www-1.ibm.com/support/mysupport/us/en/

