
N series N7800 Appliance/N7800 Gateway - FibreChannel Performance Comparison for OLTP Workload

Document Author:
Additional Author(s):
Christof Schirra
Christof Schirra, Roland Tomazini, Dirk Peitzmann, sspd database, Barry Clasper

Document ID:

Doc. Organization:
Technical Sales Support - Europe

Document Revised:

Product(s) covered:
N series

Abstract: SSPD - The customer, one of Europe's largest telecommunication providers, uses a standardized storage environment consisting of NetApp FAS filers running 80% SAP based on Oracle, 20% Windows iSCSI, and UNIX NFS fileservices. These NAS islands scale up only to a certain level of usable storage with acceptable performance. As soon as this level was reached, they added in the past another NetApp FAS Filer. With the recently performed proof of concept the ATS/FTSS System Storage team demonstrated that a N series Gateway solution with a DS8xxx as back-end storage can improve storage management and performance in their environment. The ATS/FTSS System Storage experts compared a N7800 Appliance with a N7800 Gateway. Finally the team could point out successfully that for the same usable capacity the N series Gateway is able to deliver better IOs, better storage management, and better response time in an OLTP workload environment.

Solution Scenario Profile Transcription
Feedback Information:
This profile is provided in the hope that the information it contains may save you some work, spark an idea, or provide a helpful contact. It would be a great help, both to the owners of this database and to the people who have taken the time to contribute this information, to know what you find useful. If you have made some use of the information you find here, or even if you feel it's likely that you might, we would appreciate it if you could send a brief note to one of the addresses below. Please identify this item using its document number and briefly describe how it was useful to you (did it save you time, give you a new idea, provide a useful contact name, point you to other information, etc.). You will find the document number (e.g. TD100999) of this entry at the top of the document, three rows below the main title and just above the document abstract.

Feedback Notes ID: sspd database/Raleigh/IBM@IBMUS
Feedback Internet ID: sspd@us.ibm.com

Document Information:

Solution Title: N series N7800 Appliance/N7800 Gateway - FibreChannel Performance Comparison for OLTP Workload

This profile describes a solution created by IBM for test or demonstration purposes.
The solution as documented here has been tested and demonstrated to work as expected.

Solution Source: Systems Lab Europe


Customer Profile:
The following information is intended to provide insight into the nature of the customer involved in this solution.

Customer Annual Revenue: >$1B
Number of Employees: >100000
Industry: Telecommunications
Customer's Business:

General Solution Description:

IBM Revenue: (in US$)
Solution Industry: Cross-Industry
Market Play: Cross-Industry
eBusiness On Demand: Cross-Industry
General Solution Description and Overview:
SSPD -The customer, one of Europe's largest telecommunication providers, uses a standardized storage environment consisting of NetApp FAS filers running 80% SAP based on Oracle, 20% Windows iSCSI, and UNIX NFS fileservices. These NAS islands scale up only to a certain level of usable storage with acceptable performance. As soon as this level was reached, they added in the past another NetApp FAS Filer. With the recently performed proof of concept the ATS/FTSS System Storage team demonstrated that a N series Gateway solution with a DS8xxx as back-end storage can improve storage management and performance in their environment. The ATS/FTSS System Storage experts compared a N7800 Appliance with a N7800 Gateway. Finally the team could point out successfully that for the same usable capacity the N series Gateway is able to deliver better IOs, better storage management, and better response time in an OLTP workload environment.
Infrastructure Solution:
Solution Diagrams:

Project Overview

With the recently performed proof of concept, the ATS/FTSS System Storage team demonstrated that a N series Gateway solution with a DS8xxx as back-end storage can improve storage management and performance in a customer environment. The ATS/FTSS System Storage experts compared a N series N7800 Appliance with a N7800 Gateway. The conclusion is that they could point out successfully that for the same usable capacity the Gateway is able to deliver, better IOs, better storage management, and better response time in an OLTP workload environment.
Client Background Information and Business Problem

The customer, one of Europe's largest telecommunication providers, uses a standardized storage environment consisting of NetApp FAS filers running 80% SAP based on Oracle, 20% Windows iSCSI, and UNIX NFS fileservices. These NAS islands scale up only to a certain level of usable storage with acceptable performance. As soon as this level was reached, they added in the past another NetApp FAS Filer.

Work Products:
Relative URLs:

Methods Used:

General Operational Characteristics:
Type of Traffic
Performance & Capacity

Detailed Product/Platform/Logical Implementation Block Descriptions:

Attached Documentation:
The following additional documentation contains more complete details about the solution. Please ensure that it does not contain the details you need before contacting the person named in the Contact Information section.

Attachment Language is: English

Contact Information:
For additional information about the solution described in this profile, you may contact the person described below.Before contacting this person, ensure that the details you are seeking are not contained within any documentation described above:

Contact Name: Christof Schirra
Job Title: IT Specialist
Organization: ATS System Storage
Country: Germany
Phone Number: +49 6131 84-6557
Lotus Notes: Christof Schirra/Germany/IBM@IBMDE
eMail: cschirra@de.ibm.com

